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Hey guys~ so I'm back. Sorry I haven't updated, I have like a trillion accounts I needed to clear and stuff blah. Also, I re-read this book and it's so... bleh. Like, ew. So I'm going to -try- and make it better?? Idk, but thanks for reading. <3

Once Jin and Namjoon strip down any remaining clothing, Namjoon turns on the shower once they get in.

Jin shrieks. "THATS SO HOT NAMJOON! OW!"

Namjoon turns the heat down and Jin starts coughing. "Holy Namjesus you almost burned me, Joonie."

Namjoon giggles, before placing two hands on Jins chest and kissing him, the water running down Namjoons back when they hear the door open.

"AHH" The two scream in unison, turning to see Jimin who just looks at them confused.

He also screams, the curtain wide open.

"I-It's just me- I'm not looking i-" Jimin quickly averts his eyes and closes the curtain, dashi run running out as quick as possible.

Once he's gone Jin starts laughing and Namjoon smiles, before turning the shower off, "you know, I think like EVERY gay couple takes showers with their boyfriend.. but what about bubble baths??"

Jin looks at Namjoon, slightly confused by the change in his thought process but he's not one to let down the younger and so he agrees.

"Okay." Namjoon giggles, before turning the shower off and running a bath (not hot this time) and adding bubbles.

After like 1 hour of splashing each other and whatever else you want to imagine them doing (NO) they finish.

Namjoon orders Jin to pull the plug which Jin decides to make an unfunny joke,"But you don't hAvE a buttplug-" and his famous windshield wiper laugh sounds as Namjoon sighs before shuffling around, putting boxers on and walking out to let Jin get dressed.

Once Jin walks out, fully dressed Namjoon is also dressed and they sit on Namjoons bed.

Namjoon sighs, his phone ringing playing a tune from their 'FIRE' era.

He picks it up, after seeing their managers name flash across the screen.


"Hi. Please inform the boys you have dance practice in an hour."

Namjoon nods, even though he is aware the manager can't see him through the phone. "Okay."

He hangs up, repeating the words to Jin and the rest of the boys.

All of the boys get ready, obviously including Namjoon and Jin who kiss before Namjoon grabs his house keys, (Jin making sure everyone uses the bathroom and brushes their hair..)

They all walk out, with facemasks on before walking out happily. A few stray fans.. okay more like two hundred are screaming and they have body guards to keep them away.

The boys thank the body guards because they're just kind like that, and then they're off to dance practice.

Jins POV

The manager orders us around, before calling in the choreographer who shows us all of the dance moves we will be doing.

"See, it might look hard now-" it doesn't look that hard at all, but okay.

"-But it will be easy once you practice! See, it took ME a lot of times to get it right." Okay just please teach us we don't care.

After she is done yapping and teaching us the dance she asks for our autographs and we agree because our manager said we have to be nice to our fans.

Once she leaves, we keep practicing the dance over and over until we get it right.

Now, Namjoon might not be the best dancer.

And neither am I,

But I think he's pretty good. I like to watch as he swiftly changes positions and he loves making silly faces sometimes.

Once we are done dancing to,"War Of Hormone." We sit down on a bench to the side.

Me and Namjoon sit next to each other, and he smiles at me, mouthing the words,"I love you." To me.

I blush, and Jungkook looks at me. "Hyung-? Your face is red. Are you that tired from dancing?" Jungkook giggles which draws the attention of the others and I just nod and smile. "Y-Yeah."

Namjoon also laughs, knowing he's the real reason.

I stick my tongue out at Joon when the others look away and he smiles at me.

The rest of the day is more dancing and after that, just kissing Namjoon in the bathroom. Nothing out of the usual.

AN: omg my writers block ksksks KSKSK

Actually, I don't know if I have writers block, it's just there's nothing there KSKSKSK oof maybe my last braincell decided to leave

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