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Namjoons pov

I wake up wrapped in Jins arms, and I smile before removing them from my waist and he groans, pulling me closer and kissing my forehead before letting me go.

Jin has been really touchy these last days, so I don't know why but I'm not complaining that he kisses and hugs me more than usual.

Anyways, I get up and grab a pop tart from the cabinet, before grabbing my coat and heading outside for a walk.

I also wear a facemask because I can't risk anyone identifying me. I pull up the hood and walk in the grass, the autumn breeze blowing strands of my hair.

Luckily, so far only about 6 people have recognized me, including a cute little kid who was excited and hugged my legs.

She held out a teddy and giggled,"Sign it pwease!" She said.

I love children, and of course I agreed.

I decided instead of just wondering around I should go to the mall.

I haven't gone to the mall in so long.

It only takes about 10 minutes of walking to get there.

I walk inside.

It's different than I remember.

But then again, the last time I was here was probably back in 2013 maybe.

I smile when I pass a bt21 and BTS store. It can't help but make me giggle when I see lots of people in it shopping.

I decide to walk inside, which was a bad idea on my behalf.

As soon as i enter, a bell above the door dings and one girl looks at me and screams.

And then another,

And then the whole store is set off screaming and running towards me.

I dashi run run run out of there as quick as possible, but these girls seem to be fast and full of energy, so when I start coughing and my lungs are about to give up on me after running for 15 minutes they're still after me, In perfect shape.

I collapse on a bench not too long after, and one of the girls rips down my hood and another pulls my facemask, and I start to breathe heavily.

I feel faint and ask for them to stop but they just snap pictures of me and giggle and yell,"I love you oppa!"

I pull out my phone as a last resort and call Jin who answers after the fifth ring.

He sounds tired.



I cough. "Hyung.. please. Come get me I don't feel good and they're after me.." I feel tears pile up in my eyes but I hold them back, before Jin answers.

"I'm on my way.. stay there.. I love you." He whispers.

I nod and hang up, before Jin comes unusually fast and I see him in the distance, running towards me.

I don't even have a second to say anything when he grabs my hand and leads me faster than I thought was possible back to the house.

Once we arrive, the remaining girls were way less than the last group and that's good, but one grabs hold of my arm and I yell, making her let go before we run in and lock the door.

I run into Jins arms, him holding me. "Namjoon.. don't go out alone ever again.. okay?"

I nod, before passing out under his grip.

Love You Always🍭|| NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now