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AN: Jin and Namjoon broke up, but Jin still has hickeys from before.

The next day, the bangtan boys are reminded they have a concert that night.

Jin and Namjoon nod, happy as ever to get away from each other before they get dressed.

There's knocking at the door and Namjoon holds a hand out to Jin to symbolize to wait a minute.

He walks up to the door, opening it to reveal one of their managers.

She smiles before bowing. "Hello! You guys will be going now so please walk outside to the tour buses and find where you will sleep."

Namjoon nods before walking back and telling Jin what the lady said. They grab their clothes and belonging before walking outside into the chilly night air.

They shiver before stepping into one of the buses.

Jin smiles. "Namjoon?" Namjoon nods.


"There's only 6 beds. Who's sleeping together?" Namjoon smiles.

"Not us, that's for sure."

The bus moves and the two boys walk up to the paper with who will be sharing a bed and who won't written by the managers.

Bed 1: Hoseok
Bed 2: Suga
Bed 3: Jimin
Bed 4: Jungkook
Bed 5: Taehyung
Bed 6: Jin & Namjoon

Jin groans loudly. He walks over to the bed. Namjoon hurt, as he still has feelings for the boy.

Management had talked Jin into breaking up with Namjoon for god knows what.


Namjoon snuggles his face in Jins chest, breathing in the smell of the boy.

He smiles.

Soon, there's clattering and Jin opens his eyelids, rubbing his eyes before lifting his head up.

He looks at the time and sees its 2 hours before they eat, so he shakes namjoon.

"Baby.. wake up we have to get ready."

It doesn't take many kisses before Namjoon wakes up with a smile on his face.

"Okay." He says before sitting up and walking to get clothes.


They walk over to the bed they share together, Namjoons heart aching at the sight of Jin fast asleep.

AN: sorry I had writers block when I wrote this but still wanted to update so sorry it's so bad oof also I didn't read it over

Update: January 27th, I'm rewriting this story! Wew

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