It's Your Choice

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I don't own Teen Titans. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on how to make this sequel live up to the expectations of my last BB&Terra book. Thank you, my minions!

Sorry if the chapter seems short.

Beast Boy and Terra got back to the abandoned astronomy tower and were greeted by the squeals of Starfire as she gave both Titans a bone-crushing hug, "Friends! I must congratulate the two of you on your success of kicking the butt of the Hive Five!" She cried.

"You saw that?" Terra asked, gasping for breath as Starfire finally let her and Beast Boy go.

"We did," Robin said with a proud smile, standing between Cyborg and Raven at the computer. On the computer was a picture of Beast Boy and Terra at the bank, fighting the Hive Five.

"And you didn't think to come and- wait a minute," Terra realized, "You set us up!" She accused Robin. He didn't deny it. She turned to Beast Boy and studied him a moment, "You set ME up!" She yelled.

Beast Boy stared at the ground shamefully, "Robin made me," muttered.

"Terra, we're sorry," Raven floated forward, "This wasn't a test or anything, all we wanted to do was to show you that you're still good at fighting."

"You're very good Terra," Robin told her sincerely, "From what I've seen, you're doing really good at keeping your powers under control. I think you really should fight with us."

"Me? No, I can't, what if I-"

"No ifs, ands, or buts," Cyborg told Terra, "You're amazing, you rock'n roller, you deserve to fight with us."

"You have our trust. You have your own Titan communicator, Terra, will you fight with us?"  Robin asked.

Terra stared at her team, thinking.

"Fine." She said at last, "I'll fight with you."

Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy cheered. Raven and Robin smiled at Terra.

"Beast Boy?" Terra asked, "Do you promise to help me?"

Beast Boy stopped and stared at Terra, "With what, your powers? To be honest, Terra, I think you've really got that under control."

"But just say that something happened, and I lost that control, or what if I started using my powers for evil again?"

"Terra, I trust you-" Beast Boy started.

"No! Gar, just listen to me! Promise me that if something goes wrong, you'll stop me," Terra started to choke, "At whatever it takes."

Beast Boy couldn't reply to that. He stared at Terra in silence while the other Titans stared on.

"PROMISE ME!" Terra cried, nearly in tears.

"Okay, okay, I promise!" Beast Boy said nervously, "I'll help you."

"Always?" Terra asked as the tears spilled over.

Beast Boy slowly walked over to Terra and hugged her tight, "Forever and Always," he promised, kissing Terra on the top of her head.

"Forever and Always" (Book Two Of Three In The "I Promise" Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin