Wedding Day

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Terra looked at herself in the mirror. "Breathe, just breathe," she repeated over and over to herself.

"You ready?" Raven asked. She and Starfire were both wearing dresses in the same style, only Raven's dress was purple, and Starfire's was green.

"I think so," Terra said, turning away from the mirror, "How do I look?"

"Like a princess," Starfire assured her.


Beast Boy studied his pale-green reflection in the mirror, "Breathe, just breathe," he whispered to himself.

"You ready?" Cyborg asked. He wore a black suit with a red tie, as did Cyborg, only his tie was blue.

"I think so," Beast Boy said nervously, "How do I look?"

Robin smiled, "Better than any Prince could ever look."


Terra waited out in the hall, pacing back and forth, "How did I ever think I could do this? I can't! I'm not good enough for Gar!"

"Yes you are. Why do you think Beast Boy asked you?" a reasonable voice in her head asked.

"Is it too late to give my sister away?" Terra looked up and saw Brion coming down the hallway towards her.

"No, no it's not," she assured him with a smile as the organ began to play. Brion held out his arm for her and she linked her arm through his as Kid Flash and Speedy opened the door.

The roof of Titans Tower looked amazing. Cyborg and the other Titans had spent hours decorating, forbidding Beast Boy an Terra to see any of it until the ceremony.

And there he was now. Waiting by the altar. Her Beast Boy. Hers for forever and always.

Mas y Menos were the ring bearers, and then Mar'i, Nightwing and Starfire's baby daughter, was the flower girl, as she was carried down the aisle by her daddy.

Herald, an honorary Titan, acted as the priest. Beast Boy and Terra exchanged vows, them rings, and finally, a kiss. All the Titans cheered for the good fortune of their friends.

Nightwing and Starfire got a chance to dance when auntie Raven volunteered to hold Mar'i for a while. Terra and Beast Boy were in the spotlight for a most of the time, at least, until Kid Flash proposed to Jinx. As everyone congratulated those two, Beast Boy and Terra sneaked off to the beach, where they sat on a couple of rock and skipped stones. They both lost their shoes, and their clothes got a little dirty, but they didn't care.

"Beast Boy, how long will you love me?" Terra asked him. He looked at her, staring into her perfect blue eyes.

He cupped his hand on her cheek, "Forever and Always, Terra. I promise."

"Forever and Always" (Book Two Of Three In The "I Promise" Series)Where stories live. Discover now