She's Back!

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"Terra!" Beast Boy cried, immediately identifying the voice as the one belonging to the girl he loved so much. Terra jumped down the stairs and Beast Boy grabbed her in a hug before sweeping her off her feet and spinning her around.

"I missed you all so much!" Terra said as she cried into Beast Boy's shoulder

"Terra!" Cyborg and Starfire exclaimed. They sandwiched the two lovers between them in a hug.

"Wait a minute...." Raven looked back and forth between her hugging teammates and the "Live" coverage on the TV, "Aren't you supposed to be back in Markovia? At your coronation?"

The room went silent, and everyone stared at Terra.

She smirked, "Ever heard of reruns? That junk's been running all day."

"So your dad is he...?" Robin began.

Terra nodded solemnly, "He died six months ago. His advisors wanted to put Brion on the throne as soon as possible so that we wouldn't go too long without a ruler."

"Oh friend Terra, I am so sorry for your loss," Starfire gave her a gentle hug.

Terra wiped a tear from her eye, "I'm fine, but I need to talk to you guys about something." She walked over to the computer and pulled up the Titans' files on the Brotherhood of Evil.

"I suppose you all know General Immortus, Beast Boy told me you fought him and his evil genius pals shortly before  I came back."

The Titans all nodded in confirmation.

"Well, back before  I went solo, before I ever set foot outside the Markovian Palace, General Immortus had his men experiment on my and my brother. He gave us our powers, and tried to use us for his own purposes. Brion fought back against them, but I ran away. I was so scared that I'd hurt someone, my brother, my dad..." She sighed, "I found myself hating my dad, because he let us be experimented on. They were only supposed to give us the powers so we could protect our country, but when Immortus stepped in, things got bad. Brion says that in the years after I left- I was only nine or ten back then, -My father became sick. He was worried about me, they both were. Only after he got to see me again did my father allow himself to die."

Terra looked at the floor, and Beast Boy gave her another hug.

"Brion banished Immortus from Markovia almost immediately after I ran away, but now he's back. An hour after the coronation ceremony, he declared war on Markovia. I wanted to ask if you five and the honorary Titans would help my brother and I defend our country. I'm asking you both as a teammate, and as a queen concerned for her people."

Terra looked at the Titans, standing as tall as she possibly could. She looked just like a queen, as if years of princess lessons had flooded back to her after years of hiding.

Robin looked at each of the other four Titans in turn, and each of them nodded. He stepped forward, "Where do we sign up?"

"Forever and Always" (Book Two Of Three In The "I Promise" Series)Where stories live. Discover now