A Year Later

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Hey, I'm sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas, but I've been in such a Christmassy mood lately I couldn't resist!!!!

It was Christmas, but Beast Boy didn't feel like celebrating. He was still missing Terra. His first Christmas with the Titans, Terra had been there. It still didn't feel right without her.

Titan's Tower had been rebuilt by now, better than ever. Cyborg and Robin were decorating the tree, Starfire was selecting Christmas music on the radio, and Raven was reading. Beast Boy, however, stared out the window at the snow falling from the gray sky. The Titans missed Terra, they all did, but as Raven said, dwelling on her absence wouldn't bring her back. So the Titans distracted themselves, thinking about her for a few moments out of respect for a former teammate before moving on with their lives.

But Beast Boy refused to do so. Terra was the love of his life and he'd lost her.

"And that was "Cold December Night," by Michael Buble," The radio emcee announced, "And next up we have a breaking news bulletin from the kingdom of Markovia!"

Each of the Titans winced at the mention of Markovia as Beast Boy ran for the exit. Knowing he wanted to be alone, the Titans left him. Cyborg was about to turn the knob and change the station when something caught his interest.

"The fiance of Markovia's beloved queen Terra has been arrested!"

"Arrested!?!???" The three other Titans cried out in shock. Cyborg made a "shush" signal with his finger so that he could hear what was going on.

"Joseph Franklin Zhang the fourth is the son of one of Markovia's most loyal generals, but he himself is not so loyal to his country. For the past two years, Zhang has been accumulating and smuggling illegal drugs, and apparently planned to use his marriage to Queen Terra to gain diplomatic immunity. Sadly for the queen, her fairy tale didn't have a happily ever after, as her fiance was held on trial, and then banished from Markovia."

Cyborg snorted back a laugh.

"Fairy tale!?!?!?!?" Raven asked incredulously, "Joseph is a scumbag! Why would she not consider this a happily ever after?"

"Should we tell Beast Boy?" Starfire asked.

"I think someone else already took care of that," Robin smiled, pointing out the window.


Beast Boy sat on the shore skipping stones, just as he had the night after he first met Terra.

He threw a stone and it skipped four times. As he reached for another flat rock, one that glowed gold flew across the water, skipping six times before disappearing beneath the waves.

"Mind if I join you?" an familiar voice asked.

Beast Boy turned around, not believing his ears- or his eyes -as Terra landed in front of the tower.

They stood there, staring at each other in silence. The snow fell around them, and a chill wind blew through the air, but neither felt it.

Beast Boy suddenly ran towards Terra. He grabbed her and spun her up in the air. They both laughed happily, and then he brought her close. A kiss in the snow.

"I'll always be here for you, Terra," Beast Boy told her.

"I'll make sure to remember that," Terra said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"So please just fall in love with me this Christmas

There's nothing else that I will need this Christmas

Won't be wrapped under a tree

I want something that lasts forever

So kiss me on this cold December night..."

The music from the radio wafted from the open Tower door down to where they stood. Their friends were probably watching them right now, but at the moment, neither of them cared.

This year would be the best Christmas ever.

Yeah, because I couldn't bear to leave my beloved readers with a cliffhanger as bad as the one in the last chapter and because I want to start on book three!

PS- the next chapter is the one you've all been waiting for since the epilogue of my last book!

(I don't own Teen Titans.)



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