Honorary Titans

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I don't own Teen Titans! And just a warning: this chapter an those upcoming may give you a strong dose of dem infamous FEELS!!! Just don't hate me!!!!!

Terra and Beast Boy landed amidst curious glares of the members of the Markovian royal court, but they missed the glare not only from Joseph, but from Brion as well.

They ignored the looks, and headed over to the Titans.

"Well someone seems happy today," Cyborg remarked slyly.

Beast Boy shrugged it off and searched the sky for the Titans East 's big blue T-ship while holding Terra's hand.

"Don't you remember our deal, Beast?" Joseph asked is a whisper, stepping in between Terra and Beast Boy, taking her hand from his. 

"Lay a finger on her, and I don't care who you are, or if you have a royal tush or not. I will hurt you," Beast Boy hissed in reply.

"Look! There they are!" Terra cried, yanking her hand from Joseph's grasp and pointing skyward.

"Aw, man, I can't wait to see Bee again!" Cyborg said.

"I cannot wait to see the friends Bumblebee and the Titans East again!" Starfire announced happily, floating in the air above her teammates.

"Aquadude!" Beast Boy said once they'd landed, waving to the older Atlantean.

"Robin! What's up?" Speedy walked over to his best friend and shook his head.

"Titans East, I want you to meet Queen Terra!" Beast Boy said proudly, gesturing to the shy blonde.

Terra walked forward and waved to the Titans, "There's no need to be so formal, BB, you guys are my teammates! But in all seriousness," She shook Bumblebee's hand, "Thank you for coming to help us so quickly."

"Eso es lo que hacemos, rubia!" Mas y Menos said before speeding off to have a look around.

"Um....what...?" Terra asked.

"Sorry, Mas and Menos. Twins. Only speak Spanish." Aqualad ezplained, a little bit embarassed.

"Do you know if anyone else is coming?" Robin asked.

"When we were still stateside, we got a call from Jinx and KF that they were coming, Kole and Gnarrk aren't sure if they can make it or not, (You know how Gnarrk is about airplanes and modern stuff like that)" Bee told the Titans.

"Got it," Raven said.

"Titans," King Brion said, walking over to their little group. Robin and his team bowed, and the Titans East followed their example, "Thank you for coming on such short notice. Our spies tell us that General Immortus will attack as soon as tomorrow morning, and it is imperitive that we be prepared."

"We still have a few more friends coming, but I think that we can go ahead with whatever plan we've thought of and fill them in when they get here," Robin told Brion.

"Good." Brion nodded stiffly. Then he looked over at Terra, "I need a moment with my sister now. General Thompson can take you to our base camp and fill you in."

Terra followed Brion with one last longing glance at Beast Boy. She loved being a Titan, but her people needed her! Being a queen wasn't any fun at all.


"Terra, We need to talk." Brion said when they were alone in the royal study.

"About what?" Terra asked, having a sneaking feeling that she knew just what he wanted to talk about. She folded her arms across her chest and stood in front of her chair defiantly while Brion stood behind his desk.

 Brion sighed, "Terra, you can't be with him," He said, looking down at his desk, unable to meet her eyes.

"What? Brion, no! You can't say that! I won't be a queen forever! Just until you get married! Once you get married I can go back to Jump City. You promised!"

"Terra, about that..."

"What?" Terra  froze and looked up at her brother.

Brion sighed again, "Lord Zhang has already offered up a marriage proposal between you and Joseph.

And just like that, Terra Markov's world crashed down on her once more.

Peace, Love, and Titans!


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