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Oh, BTW, there will be a bit of Raven comforting Beast Boy in this chapter and future chapters, BUT THAT CERTAINLY DOES NOT MEAN I SHIP BBRAE!!!

She had to go. Beast Boy knew she had to. But that didn't mean he wanted her to. He had offered to go with her, but Terra declined, saying that it was her duty as Markovia's princess to aid her father.

It had been two days since she left, and Beast Boy was paranoid at the lack of communication. (Meaning she had not even sent a letter). He mostly just sat on the rooftop of the observatory and stared at Titan's Tower, in it's process of being rebuilt.

"Beast Boy," Raven said, coming up behind him on the Tuesday after Terra left.

"What do you want?" Beaast Boy asked rudely.

"Cyborg found a large package addressed to all the Titans at the door of the observatory, Robin wants us all there to open it."

"And why should I care?" BB snapped, still refusing to look at her

Raven put her hands on her hips, "It came from Markovia," she said in a whisper.

Beast Boy inhumanely ran past her and down the stairs, where Cyborg, Robin, and Starfire gathered around the breakfast table with a big brown box on top.

"Well?? what are we waiting for!?!? Open it!!!" Beast Boy told Cyborg as Raven floated back into the room.

One of Cyborg's fingers turned into a small knife and he cut the tape

"Oh wow, Terra," Robin took a sharp breath in at everything in the box.

"Raven gets some book on magic stuff, Robin gets a whole arsenal of schmancy weapons, Starfire has the platinum edition of "Markovian Cuisine," I have- WHATTHEHECKIVEBEENTRYINGTOGETMYHANDSONTHESETHINGSFORMONTHSNOWTERRAYOUROCK!!!!!!!" Cyborg said. He kissed the package of tools and special parts, "If you'll excuse me, my baby needs a check-up!" Cyborg paraded out like a proud papa to go work on the T-car.

"What about me?" Beast Boy asked sadly. But the box was empty.

"I'm sorry Beast Boy. Maybe she....forgot," Rabin put in lamely. It was a stupid suggestion. Terra would never forget about Beast Boy. The two were in love.

"Oh little Beastie-Booo," Cyborg called to the little green guy.

"What do you want?" Beast Boy yelled back as he began to stomp towards the garage.

"There's a little something from a- um, certain someone down in the garage," Beast Boy quickened his pace. What could Terra send him that would be in the garage? That was Cyborg's space.

Beast Boy's jaw went to the floor as Raven, Robin, and Starfire came to see what Terra had sent Beast Boy.

"It is shiny!" Starfire squealed happily.

"It'," Raven remarked.

"Well Beast Boy, you're pretty lucky to have a girlfriend like Terra," Robin told him.

Right smack in the middle of the garage was a bright, shiny, green, moped.

Yeah yeah yeah, "Finally an update!" and all that junk bleargh. I'm sorry, I've just felt like a zombie with school and everything lately. But here's an update for you BB x Terra people. Bye.

"Forever and Always" (Book Two Of Three In The "I Promise" Series)Where stories live. Discover now