Defying Gravity

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Beast Boy returned to his room feeling much better than he had in a long time. He quickly showered and changed into a fresh uniform. The rest of the Titans would be there today, and Robin wanted the team to be there to greet everyone.


Terra ran back to her royal bedroom and jumped on the bed in complete bliss.

"Today is gonna be the best day ever!" Terra said as her blond hair hung off the side of the bed. She turned on her music and set it on shuffle.

Terra smiled happily and hummed along to the music as she perused her humongous closet of clothes, deciding to just wear her Titans uniform. The rest of the Titans were coming over, she should show herself as a member of the team.

Then the Glee version of Defying Gravity, from Wicked, and Terra stopped as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Something has changed within me

Something is not the same

Terra smiled at herself and began to sing along

"I'm through with playing by the rules

Of someone else's game,"

"-Too late for second-guessing,"

Terra looked around wildly as a new voice joined her own. Raven phased through the wall and walked over to Terra.

"Too late to go back to sleep

It's time to trust my instincts

Close my eyes...and leap!"

Raven smirked at Terra and gestured to her open window. Terra nodded happily in reply. The two of them jumped out of the window and began to fly around using their powers, still singing the song.

"It's time to try

Defying gravity

I think I'll try

Defying gravity

Kiss me goodbye

I'm defying gravity

And you won't bring me down!"

Terra clung to her rock as she made it flip up and around and down, daring Raven to do better as she sang the next part.

"I'm through accepting limits

'Cause someone says they're so

Some things I cannot change,"

"But 'til I try, I'll never know!" Raven shrugged off the challenge but flew in a series of complicated loops and hairpin twists.

Terra stood up on her piece of rock and stared into the distance, " Too long I've been afraid of Losing love I guess I've lost,"

Raven put a hand on Terra's shoulder, "Well, if that's love, It comes at much too high a cost!"

Terra smiled and flew towards the sky above, "I'd sooner buy Defying gravity

Kiss me goodbye

I'm defying gravity

I think I'll try

Defying gravity

And you won't bring me down!"

Terra closed her eyes and felt the sun on her face. She felt so free! So defiant!

Then she heard some applause from below and a green butterfly appeared, changing into Beast Boy's human form.

"You have an amazing voice, Queen Terra," He told her with a bow.

"Why thank you, Lord Beast Boy," Terra replied with the best curtsy she could manage in her shorts.

Just a bit of BB&Terra fluff cuz I feel like writing it and I'm in an updating mood ;)

Okay, becasue I'm in a rant mood as well, I'm gonna vent to all y'all.

Everyone in my family has been sick lately except for me (knock on wood) and while I was slaving away at school with chemistry and the like, guess what my sick little sisters decided to do?

THEY WENT AHEAD AND HAD A TEEN TITANS MARATHON USING THE DVDS I SHELLED OUT FIFTY BUCKS TO BUY!!!! THEY WATCHED IT ALL!!! WITHOUT ME!!!! WITHOUT EVEN BOTHERING TO ASK ME IF THEY COULD WATCH MY DVDS!!!!!! And now all my sisters hate me beacuse I went downstairs, put all the DVDs back in their cases, and hid them up in my room.

So, yeah, now that that's over with, How are y'all's lives?

"Forever and Always" (Book Two Of Three In The "I Promise" Series)Where stories live. Discover now