Roses are Yellow, Beast Boy is Green

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Oh, and I don't own Teen Titans, but that is of little consequence.

Beast Boy's jaw dropped ever so slightly, "How did you know?" He asked quietly.

"Even with my personal spies lurking in every corner of the palace, I only need to look at you to see how much you love the queen," Joseph said as he examined the flower bud, "Do you and your sorry little friends think she would really feel at home with a bunch of freaks like you?" He asked.

"Hey, those "freaks" you're talking about are my friends! We've defeated more bad dudes than your royal behind has even seen!" Beast Boy snapped, pointing at Joseph, "Not to mention that Terra is as much a freak as we are!"

"I would watch your tongue if I were you, I am a Lord. and you are nothing but a peasant."

"I thought I had diplomatic immunity, being a personal guest of the King and Queen and all."

"That may be, but sometimes..." Joseph snapped a thorn off the stem of the rose, "...Accidents happen."

"You really think I'd be that naive as to let my guard down? I can shape-shift into any animal I've ever seen, and my specialty just so happens to be a Tyrannasaurus Rex. (Sorry, I don't think I spelled that right)" Beast Boy warned.

"Oh you don't have to worry about yourself, the one you should be worried about is Terra." Joseph said nonchalantly.

"You wouldn't dare lay a finger on her!" Beast Boy growled.

"Maybe, maybe not," Joseph said, as if he were still pondering the idea, "Here's the deal, I want Terra, you want to keep her safe. You stay as far away from the queen as possible, and I'll make sure that an "accident" doesn't happen to her."

"You wouldn't..." Beast Boy growled softly.

Joseph grinned, "Try me."

For emphasis, he snapped the rosebud off its stem and let it fall to the ground. He walked away and tossed the stem over his shoulder.

When he was sure that Joseph was gone, Beast Boy ran over to the delicate rosbud and held it delicately in the palm of his hand. Its petals were already turning brown on the edges.

I can't let him hurt Terra, he thought, But I can't live without her! Raven practically said that we're soulmates! And...

I love her.

I love her so much.

I couldn't bear it if she never came back to Jump City. I could never stand to see her so upset and miserable here in Markovia.

"Beast Boy!" A voice cried out from behind him. He didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

Not now, I can't face her now, I can't tell her... He thought sadly.

"Beast Boy," Her hand found his, and she squeezed it tight. He couldn't find the energy to pull away.

"BB, you don't have to speak, I heard the whole thing."

"You did?" He asked turning to Terra.

She nodded sadly, "Joey has been my friend since we were little. He wasn't always this way. He used to be so little and sweet. He was my best friend, and he was like another brother, nothing more. But, there were a few Truth of Dare games where Brion would dare the two of us to kiss, but we were so young, I didn't know that he thought more of them until now."

Beast Boy brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, "But he said he'd hurt you..." He whispered.

Terra gave a weak smile and used her thumb to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye, "I'm a Titan, the queen of Markovia, I have terra-kinesis, and I can take care of myself. Not to mention I have you and the team to help me if things get out of hand."

Beast Boy gave her a big smile, "So you aren't in love with Joey- Joseph," he corrected himself.

Terra shook her head, "Nope, never have, never will be," She promised, "There's someone else in my life that I care about more than I could ever love anything else."

"Oh, and who might that be?" Beast Boy asked flirtatiously.

Terra wrapped her arms around Beast Boys neck and pulled him closer.

"You, silly," she giggled like a little girl.

At that moment, Terra's laugh was the most beautiful piece of music in Beast Boy's life. Her smile was worth more than a hundred colorful sunsets, her hands holding his was like silk, and those memories were all his to cherish forever.

He leaned in and kissed her tenderly. They stayed like that for a minute, Just the two of them, there in a rooftop garden as the sun rose over the beautiful kingdom of Markovia.

"Forever and Always" (Book Two Of Three In The "I Promise" Series)Where stories live. Discover now