Bad News

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Months went by, and still no more word from Terra. Beast Boy was beginning to worry. Sometimes he just couldn't take it anymore! He'd be fixed in his mind to take his new moped and drive it to Markovia and see Terra personally, (lol, thanks @JuliaTheOtakuFangirl for the idea ;) but then the alarm would ring, and he'd remember that Jump City needed him. That his team needed him.

It was a normal day in the tower. Robin and Cyborg raced against each other on a video game, Raven read a book, and Starfire played with her little bumgorf; otherwise known as Silkie. Only Beast Boy was not his happy, joking self. He sat slumped on the couch, staring off into space.

Done with racing, Cyborg and Robin turned on the TV. They flipped through channel after channel.






"WAIT! Go back!" Beast Boy cried suddenly.

Cyborg stared at his friend a moment before going back one channel to the news.

"This is Kat Grant reporting live from Markovia!"

The Titans' attention was now fixated to the screen.

"Having just finished a period of mourning for their beloved King Brion Markov the first, The people of Markovia are ready to crown their new King! Brion the Second, Markov's son, has taken up the mantel his father has, and his sister, the beautiful Terra, has agreed to act as queen until Brion can find a suitable wife."

The screen showed a magnificent gray-and-white palace with thousands of people cheering and waving. They zoomed in on the royal siblings, and the Titans could see their old teammate clearly.

Terra wore a floor-length gown the same shade of blue as her eyes. Her white gloves went to her elbows, a deep purple robe trimmed in white fur trailed behind her, her hair had gold highlights inserted, and her hair was pulled into a bun underneath the Markovian crown she wore atop her head.

"Turn it off." Beast Boy said, standing up. He sounded vicious, so Cyborg did as she asked. Beast Boy stared at the blank screen, fuming for a moment, before turning and walking towards his "room" (Cy still hadn't put walls up yet).

"Where are you going?" Raven asked, teleporting in front of him.

"Markovia," he replied with one word as he brushed her off.

"Beast Boy, please," Starfire floated in front of the green boy and spread her arms to block his path. Robin came up behind Beast Boy and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Beast Boy, I know you're upset. But Terra chose this for herself. This is her path, it's what she's-"

"I know it's what she's chosen!" Beast Boy yelled, whirling to face Robin, "I know what duties she has! But that doesn't mean she has to face her problems alone! I promised her I'd be there for her! Forever and Always. Those were the exact words I told her in my promise!"

"Beast Boy-" Robin started.

"Don't you "Beast Boy" me!" Beast Boy grabbed Robin's wrist, "I saw her eyes, Robin, she's sad! She's not happy there! She wants to come back!"

"How do you know?" Robin asked, yanking his wrist away.

"Well how do you know he's not wrong, Robin?" Asked a voice. The Titans turned to see a figure outlined in the doorway.

CLIFFY!!! I'm not gonna update until two people comment! Just to be mean! Lol, no. I really love you guys, but I love it even more when you guys vote and give me feedback! So, two different people commenting, three votes, then an update! Ciao!

Oh, I almost forgot!


"Forever and Always" (Book Two Of Three In The "I Promise" Series)Where stories live. Discover now