The Battle for Markovia

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A/N I don't know if telepathy is one of Raven's many half-demon abilities, and I have decided very staunchly that Raven will be paired with Aqualad, since no one's said any objections. Enjoy, my minions!

Terra and Brion arrived at the Markovian battle camp about an hour later.

"Terra, what's wrong?" Beast Boy asked, noticing her tear-streaked face. Terra crossed her arms over her chest tightly in reply, walking past her so-called "boyfriend" and over to Robin, who stood at the edge of a nearby cliff with a pair of binoculars.

"Good, you're here," Robin said to Terra and her brother, "There's been no sign of him yet, but I sent Bumblebee into Immortus's camp to spy and she reports back that he'll attack sometime today."

"Good work, Titans," Brion complimented Robin as Terra still refused to meet Beast Boy's gaze.

"Terra?" The queen was startled as Raven's voice echoed in her mind.

"Sorry, I've linked you and me and Starfire telepathically so that we can talk privately. Is something bothering you?" Raven asked mentally while physically both she and Starfire gave Terra concerned looks.

"No, What makes you think that?" Terra asked, brushing off the question.

"Because you're ignoring Beast Boy," Raven told her stubbornly.

"Friend Terra, please do not deny it. Both of us have seen the way you and friend Beast Boy look at the other. It is the same way I look at boyfriend Robin, or the way friend Raven looks at friend Aqualad," Starfire added with a giggle.

"I do not- ugh!" Raven groaned. Starfire attempted to muffle her laughter with her hand, and Terra may have cracked a smile at her friend's sticky situation.

"In here," Raven dragged Starfire and Terra into an abandoned army tent.

"Now spill," she said, pointing to the big yellow "T" on Terra's chest.

Terra took a deep breath, searching for the right words. Her lower lip trembled, and she buried her face in her hands as she began to sob.

Starfire hugged the crying girl and brought her into a sitting position on the floor. Finally, Terra had composed herself enough to form coherent sentences.

"Brion has forbidden me to return to Jump City. He's already arranged a marrage for me with Lord Zhang's son, Joseph."

Raven cursed under her breath and began to pace back and forth in the tent, "Beast Boy was right," she muttered.

"Joseph threatened Beast Boy that he would hurt me if he didn't stay away." Terra added.

"this Joseph is such a...a...a chlorbag varblernilk!" Starfire exclaimed angrily, beating her fist on the floor.

It was obviously a Tamaranian insult, but the strangeness of the alien words made Terra laugh, if only for a moment.

"Yes, yes he is, Star," she said, accepting a hankercheif from Raven as Starfire gave her a kind smile.

"So what do we do about all this?" Raven asked as Starfire helped Terra stand up.

"What do we do? What can we do?" Terra asked, "It's hopeless."

"Do not give up you true love so soon, friend terra!" Starfire begged.

Terra shook her head sadly, "Just let me be the one to tell Beast Boy, okay? Just let us have a few more moments together before we lose each other...forever."

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