Mail Call!!

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Yayness! Update Time!!!! BB&Terra FOREVAH!!!!

"MAIL CAAAAAALLL!" Cyborg cried the next day at breakfast. The rest of the Titans looked up from their scrambled eggs and bacon eagerly, (except for Beast Boy, who ate tofu, of course).

"Starfire has fan mail, Robin has fan mail, Raven has a book order from "Barnes And Nobles", Beast Boy has his moped magazine, Yours Truly has a letter from Bumblebee, and Terra has some pretty fancy-looking mail," Cyborg listed.

Everyone turned to look at Terra as Cyborg handed her an envelope sealed with wax. She looked at the seal and went white.

"If you'll excuse me," she whispered, standing up.

"Terra!" Beast Boy yelled as she ran off.

Terra ignored his yells and closed the curtain around her "bedroom" if you could call it that. Everyone's private rooms were seperated by just a curtain, but Cyborg had said he was working on building some walls.

"Terra!" Beast Boy shouted, stomping his foot as heard as he could since he couldn't quite knock. There was the sound of running water, a zipper, then pen on paper. Finally, Terra pulled the curtain back. She was wearing a blue shirt with floral print, a gray skirt, and a pair of sandals. In addition to that, she wore makeup and had her wet hair pulled back into a ponytail.

She looked like a princess.

"Terra..." Beast Boy breathed.

"Terra, what's all this about?" Robin asked her sternly.

Terra took the letter she had received and slammed it on the breakfast table with a noise that made everyone jump. She took a deep breath and smoothed out the paper.

"Read," she said, and even as everyone leaned forward to do so, she summarized the letter.

"This letter was written by my brother, Brion, who you may know as Geo-Force. He says that my father, the king of Markovia, is very sick and wishes to see me before he dies. If he does die, Brion will become king and I will serve as Queen until he can find a suitable wife. My people need me."

SHORT CHAPTER IS SHORT. Who else read the Teen Titans Go issue (not the crappy TV show we have now, the comic series based off the old TV series) Where Geo-Force came to visit the Titans and we found out our little Terra was a princess just like Starfire?


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