Chapter 4 - Mornings and Lunch

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*Sero POV*
The sunlight shining into my room, refusing to let me sleep anymore. I opened my eyes and I was temporarily blinded for a couple of seconds before my eyes adjusted to the brightness. The sun was slowly continuing to move beyond the horizon. I looked over at the clock on my nightstand, it said 10:04. I skipped breakfast. Either way, I wasn't really a breakfast person.

I decided to get ready since I didn't really have much to do. I put on a white tank top and dark red jeans. I decided to also wear my birthday present from Bakugou, a dog tag that said in bold, Cellophane. I also decided to wear some black Converse.


Kirishima earlier said he wanted to meet up for lunch. We met up at his house and started walking towards the park. I was still kind of nervous, I mentioned my birthday at least a couple of times and wasn't sure if they remembered. I put my thoughts aside as we walked towards the central area. They had a picnic tables and Mina brought along, a unusually large purse along with a basket which contained the food. We stopped and starting setting up under a large, shady tree. We spread out the blanket and slowly putting the food in front us. It was quiet and once set, Kirishima mouthed words that I couldn't understand. Suddenly...

"Happy Birthday Hanta," the squad said as they gave me hugs, and Bakugou just slightly nodded. The squad placed their presents in front of me.

I looked around smiling. I decided to pick Mina's present. I opened it to find a light gray tank top, it showed the cover of my favorite band. "Thank you, Mina."

I gave her hug before choosing the red present. This is obviously Kirishima, I thought. It was shaped like a large canvas. To be honest if it was a painting, I wouldn't be surprised. Kirishima always had this beautiful skill of observing something and making a duplicate of it. Anyways, I carefully took off the wrapping paper and it showed a silhouette of my hero costume. We shared our ideas of our hero costume and hero name sometime during the summer. I looked at the painting once more before turning towards Kirishima. "Wow impressive, thank you." He smiled. "Thanks man."

Last of all, was Bakugou's gift. It was a small, black rectangular package. I opened it up and saw a dog tag hanging on a string. On the front it said, Cellophane. I flipped it around to see the back. Plain Face. I gave out a slight chuckle before directing a smirk towards Bakugou. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, it suits you." I laughed.

"Thanks," directing my attention to the group, "I really appreciate it."

*Flashback End*

I walked out the front door, walking towards the Mina's house.

A couple of minutes later, I arrived at a decent-sized home and I knocked on the front door. It opened a couple of seconds later, revealing her. Ashido wore a light magenta-colored tank top with some long black leggings and some flip flops.

"Looks like your ready," I said.

"Heck yeah, I am." She just yawned before giving me a thumbs up.

"Also, seems like you tired. Why?" I asked.

"Well..." She yawned again before continuing, "I planned of what we're going to do today. I have like three schedules that are meant for when something comes up like parent tell you to come home or something like that. I just woke up like 30 minutes ago so yeah."

"Don't fall asleep on me, Mina. I'm counting on you," I stated. It would be a shame if we had Mina fall asleep on us.

"Just give me a soda and I'll be fine."

"Okay then, lets go." We started walking towards the restaurant.

A couple of minutes later...

We arrived two minutes late. Kirishima, Bakugou and Kaminari was already there. Kami was nervously looking out at the window before he noticed us. He waved and I waved back. He turned his head away covering his face. I wonder why he did that.

We met up and got some cheeseburgers with some soda. I sat down at a six person table with 3 chairs on each side. I sat on the left side with Kaminari. Kirishima sat in the middle of Bakugou and Mina, on the right side. It was silent while we ate until Kaminari spoke up.

"Hey." Silence. "Can I have all of yours phone numbers?" He asked nervously.

Bakugou and Mina gave Kaminari their phones. He shook his head. "I really suck at typing with my left hand."

"Alright, what's your phone number?" Mina said.

"+81 (718)-648-3783," he informed them.

"Alright, got it dude. Thanks." Kirishima did his big, toothy grin towards Kaminari. If you noticed, his cheeks turned slightly pink. I, of course noticed this small change but, I didn't think much about it. Why would he would blush at someone smiling?

I gave him a thumbs up and I gave a small chuckle. Then, I smiled. His blush turned from a light pink to a pink-red(ish) color. He turned away again.

Mina gave him a thumbs up and Bakugou nodded.

"Umm, can one of you cut this cheeseburger in half? I'm sorry." He mumbles quietly.

I shrug. "No worries, dude. I got you." I made a gesture for him to pass over his cheeseburger. He slowly slid it over. I began to cut his cheeseburger. While doing that, my elbow accidentally bumped to his arm. My freaking elbow touched him. He blushed and I finished. I slid it over and look up at him. "Sorry, my apologies," I said to him. "Just an accident, right?" He sounded curious. I nodded before starting to work on my cheeseburger again.

Mina spoke up, sounding less tired than before. "Anyway, I planned today for you guys, so your welcome. I'll just tell you about when and where to meet up at. If you want to, I can send the schedule to you."

Nobody made a move to know the schedule ahead of time, but we did share our thanks. We were finished and were leaving McDonald's. Outside, it was warm and sunny. It was a perfect day for Kaminari's guide through our city.

"Let's start the tour," she said happily.

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