Chapter 6 - A Hero's Reunion

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*Kaminari POV*
So, I woke up this morning like last 16 years of my life. It's 7:18. I have 1 week and 5 days until I'm due back at the doctors office. I start putting on a white t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. Its kinda of hard especially with the cast. I look at outside, it's a beautiful day to take my camera to...oh wait..My camera broke. It's useless. I can't believe I didn't think about it until now. I'm going to have buy a new one. Wow, I'm such a idiot.

I walk down the hall towards the kitchen and grab an apple. I see my dad drinking some tea.

"Dad?" He perks up and looks over at me. I continue, "Good morning. So...what happened to my camera?"

"Well, good morning to you. I'm sorry. I don't know the all the details. When I saw it, I had to throw it away, but the memory chip wasn't broken so I saved it. Wait...Hold on..." He walks to the island, and pulls out the memory chip. He hands it to me and I pocket it.

"Thanks Dad. I'm going on a walk." I say as I heading out the front door.

"Bye, be safe. Did you know that Ogawa moved here?" He calls out.

I stop and walk back towards him. "Huh?"

He smiles. "He moved here, a year ago. Also, Sao has gotten really popular lately. You know being a hero. He's a pro hero by the name of Amscio. He's doing a garage sale, it starts at 8."

Of course, he was always a morning person. He'd do things earlier rather than later. I haven't seen him in so long. I grab an apple from the counter.

"Where does he live? I'm going to walk there." I take a bite out of the apple.

"He lives on the other side of the neighborhood. It's a long walk, 10-ish minutes. Want me to drive you?"

"Nah, I'm fine."

I walk outside and head to his house. I munch on my apple. It's very peaceful until I see three punk-looking guys . They were at least six inches taller than me. I'm 5' 6". I ignore them and kept walking, but that seemed to aggravate them. I was only a foot away when one of them threw a punch. The strike landed a blow on my nose. I put my hand to my nose. I look down at it. Blood. My blood. And I dropped my apple. Darn it. I was going to eat that. I look up at my attacker.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" He yells at me, "Give me all your money."

"Don't have any..." His guys start beating up my face and the rest of my body before I hear a familiar voice.

The voice, I guess that he yells for them to leave me alone. They do leave but, I think he said Amscio under his breath. Turns out I was right because when I looked up I saw him. Sao Owaga.. He puts out a hand towards me. I take it and pulled myself up.


He gives me a worried look. He pulls me into a hug, and starts talking. "Kaminari! Sorry. But, how's it been? Liking Musutafu?"

"It's been good other than, you know...I broke my arm and got a bloody nose. I made some new friends and apparently part of the 'Bakusquad'. " I put up air quotes and a small forced smile. "Anyway, how's work?" He pulls away.

"It's been good. I helped a lot of people and it just feels good to go home knowing that I'm not a lazy piece of trash." He looks at me, gives me a small smile.

"Anyway, you need to be cleaned up. You've got a bloody nose and a couple of bruises on your cheek." He nods towards me. I didn't realize it was still my nose was still bleeding.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even notice."

We walk towards his house.

"I heard you are having a garage sale."

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