Chapter 9 - Awkward

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Credit to Blazengame and one other person for your suggestions for this chapter. I appreciate it.

"Truth or Dare," someone said. I think it was either Mina or Bakugo. We agree to do it, but  Sero and I were kinda reluctant.

Truth or Dare. It can either be really fun or your worst nightmare. I'm a little nervous to be honest, so I'm hoping I won't get too embarrassed. We walked into the living and sat down in a circle. Sero settles himself against the couch. The others form a circle which I'm apart of.

"Bakugo. Truth or Dare." Kirishima says, once we settled down.

"Dare." He sounds confident.

"Do you have Instagram?" he asks.

"Yes," he says, his eyebrow raises a bit.

"I dare you to pose some high heels and upload it to your Instagram. You have to show them. You can't say anything or explain it and you have it keep it on for 24 hours."

Bakugo nodded. I can't believe this, the most grumpiest person in the world is going to pose in some high heels. He told me if I owned any. I went to my mom and asked her for some. She looked at me for a second before giving me a pair. She gave me a 4-inch heel. Good luck, Bakugo. Another surprise, Bakugo actually has good balance in high heels.

He walked over to a wall mirror that we forgot to move. He stood there squating and took a picture. Then, immediately took the high heels off.

"Can't understand how girls wear these." He says, grunting. He threw the high heels onto the couch. He tapped some things on his phone and put it in his pocket. He looks around the room for a second, before landing on me.

"Kaminari," he says, "Truth or Dare."

I contemplate for a bit. "Dare."

"You have to sit in Sero's lap until the game is over," he says smirking at me.

Did I hear him right? I'm pretty sure he said I have to sit in my crush's lap. I see him still smirking.

"Aww, Kaminari can't-"

Bakugo stopped when I went over to Sero. I silently tried to get his attention and his approval. He seemed a little bit annoyed. I wonder why. He notices me and nods. I try not to hit him with my cast. He takes my hand and helps me onto his lap.

He whispers into my ear, "I'm sorry."

I'm confused, what did he mean by that. I decide to ignore it. I search around the room for Truth or Dare's next victim.

"Truth or Dare. Kirishima."

"Dare," he also sounds confident. Why is everybody being so confident? I usually suck at this game.

"Your dare is to..." I think for a bit. "Your dare is to kiss the person to your right."

That person happened to be Bakugo. Kirishima's cheeks flushed a red color. Bakugo folded his arms. It took him a couple of seconds, but Kirishima went over and kissed his cheek. Now, it was Bakugo's time to blush.

He crawled over to his original spot.

"Mina." Mina looked over at Kirishima and seemed very prepared for the question.

"Dare," She says it like its easy as making a sandwich.

"I dare you to go outside and yell the name of the first person that comes to mind."

She gets up and we follow her. She walks to the middle of sidewalk.

She yells out, "George Clooney". Did I mention it's a little bit past 4 o'clock? Yeah, a couple of people who were walking by gave Ashido some confused looks before continuing to whatever.

We all laughed at her and she gave a small bow. We've returned and I sit in Sero's lap again. Mina turns towards Sero.

"Dare," he says.

"Okay. You have to whisper something into Kaminari's ear." Mina winks at Sero.

He leans down. He says, "I like cats."

We both laugh. That was so random. Mina shakes her head at Sero. He shrugs.

It continued on. "Kirishima, you know the question."


"Okay, hold on. Hold on..." Mina interrupts, "Since no one is doing any truths, it's going to be all dares."

We all give her a nod.

She continues, "Spoon full of hot sauce for anyone unwilling to do the dare."

We gave her another nod.

"Anyway, Kiri..." Sero starts glancing over to Bakugo. "We all get to choose a outfit and your hairstyle for you and you have to post it to your Instagram. You can't argue against us and you can't tell your followers anything. You also have to leave it on for 24 hours." He gives him, a smirk.

We all leave for my closet. He ended up wearing a sleeveless red dress, black bandana, and some pink leather boots. We helped him put his hair down. He took a picture and uploaded it to Instagram. We went back our original positions in the living room. Yep, once again I'm sitting in Sero's lap.

"My Instagram is literally exploding." Bakugo punch the redhead in the shoulder. "I hate it."

"Well, look at mine." We looked at his screen. He had at least 50 comments in the first minute. If I were him, my mouth would be on fire.

So the game continues...Kirishima dares Sero to do Seven Minutes in Heaven with me. I agree to it, but I feel there is something they aren't telling me. Before we go into my walk-in closet. Bakugo reminds me of his dare. We go in, and outside the door, we hear Mina start the countdown.

The first couple of minutes went by in silence. Me in the lap of my crush. Awkward, is the first thing I would describe at the moment.

He speaks up not looking at me. We're side by side and our shoulders are touching. "So I think we have five minutes left." I nod.

"Sero?" I ask him. He looks at me, waiting. "Do you have any pets?"

"I have two cats and one dog," he says. A couple of seconds go by in silence.

"What are their names?" I ask.

"My cat's names are Star and Awa. My dog is named Lock." Those are some interesting names. A couple of seconds go by.

"How did you come up with those names?"

"Star is a Scottish Fold, which is a orange color. He always seemed to look at the stars when the night came out. Awa is a Siamese cat. He loves scarfs and half-ly based on my homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa also known as Eraser Head."

He took a breath before continuing, "Lock is a golden retriever. He's also based on an old fairy tale character. He's always curious."

"Let me guess. Goldilocks?" I tease him.

"Yep, you guessed it." I laugh and he does too.

"Well, do you have any pets?" he asks me.

"No, but I really want one."

"Denki." I perk up at that. "Do you want to come to my house? To you know, meet my pets?" I stare at Sero, and I haven't answered his question.

"Well?" He says.

"Yes," I say too quickly. He laughs.

"You're so cute," he says under his breath. I barely heard it, but I decided to ignore it. I wonder if he shares the same feelings for me.

We continued talking about ourselves. I learned that he has a older brother, that's nine years older than him. He doesn't see him a lot, since he is a pro hero. He also is into my favorite band. He also likes waffles over pancakes. After a while, he turns serious and looks into my eyes. He seems nervous for some reason.

"Kaminari," he says, "Do you like me?"

The door opens.

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