Chapter 13 - Nothing

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NOTE: Angst

6 days before the doctor visit

I should've felt relieved, but only silence accompanied us. A dreadful silence. I look at my parents' faces. Expressionless.

27 seconds pass.

I hear Hanta step closer to me. He gently puts his hand in mine. I intertwine our fingers. I can feel him looking at me. I squeezed his hand. He squeezes mine. He didn't say anything, but it was nice knowing he was there. He is like an angel watching over me.

41 seconds pass.

Every second felt like it was closer to a meteor ready to crush us. My mom finally looks at me.

"Go." She glares at me like I'm vermin. Her eyes once warmed turned cold and menacing.


"Go," She says it again. Harsher.

We're the dinosaurs. Them. The people. The homophobia. The homophobes. A meteor leading us to this predicted fraction of time. A emotionless body of matter. A piece of space. We're just a piece of the universe. We're extinct and died 65 million years ago.

I didn't feel the tears when they came. I didn't hear my heart pounding in my chest. They were just there. Existing. Unnoticeable by me.

My body moved on its own. I was in my room. My room. We didn't exchange words when we were emptying my dresser. It was quiet. He kept glancing at me. We were done when we had two duffel bags. I looked into my wall mirror. Eyes are blurry. Cheeks stained. I walked out.

It was a short journey to the front door, but every step felt like torture. Every breath felt like it was my last. Another breath for my heart-broken soul.

I opened it and we started our long, quiet walk towards his house.


A woman opens the front door. She has black hair tied into a messy bun. Warm eyes. She's about the same height as Hanta, maybe a bit shorter. Her thin lips turn into a frown when she notices the duffel bags. She lets us inside.

Immediately I see his dad, he's laid out across the couch with Lock. He, also like his son, has black hair. It's reached to mid chest. He gets up when he too notices our situation. He's about 4 inches taller than Sero. Lock runs up at to me.

"Hey Lock," I say, quietly. I rub my fingers over his head into his soft fur.

"So Hanta, is this your boyfriend?" She asks, turning towards him.


She turns to me again.

"You can call me Ayako. I'm Hanta's mom. I wish we could've meet under better circumstances, and I'm sorry." She gives another hug.

"I'm Naoki Sero. You can call me whatever. Welcome to our home. If you want, we have an extra guest bedroom in the back. I'm sure Hanta can show you around. I'm sorry about your parents, but our family would gladly take you in." He gives me a small smile. "Dinner is at 6. Don't be late."

Hanta grabs my hand and leads me into a hallway.

We stop at the first door. It's closed. "So this is my brother's room. He comes here once a month. Don't mess with it." He go to the next room.

"This is mine." He opens it. Its little bit larger than I'm old room. Its clean other than the couple of clothes thrown on the door. A light yellow clashes against the black. Two walls are yellow and the others are black. He has a large painting of a hero suit. Probably from Kirishima.

There's another door. I open it. It leads to a bathroom. Somewhat dark blueish-gray color fading to a creamy white.

Sero grabs my hand again. Soon, we're at the second to last door.

"The one at the end is my parents. This is one is yours if you want it." He opens the door with his free hand. He turns on a light switch. It's empty except for a bed, a dresser and a clock. It's the color of a tangerine.

"Was this yours?" I turn to him.

"Yeah when I was little."

Sero smiled. He's looks so cute when he smiles. He caught me staring at him.

"So whatcha think? Love it or list it?" he asks me.

I could see a little miniature version of Sero running around. Probably having some type of action figure of All-Might or some other pro hero. I could see him pretending to save someone. I used to do that with my-

"You okay?" He looks at me with concern.

"I'm fine." I lied.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. I think I'm going to try it." I say.

"Okay." He looks worried, but he doesn't push any further.


Dinner was quiet. His parents were thoughtful. I didn't talk much. Just a few quick comments here and there. I didn't feel like talking.

Soon, the sun set to wake up the other half of the world. I went to his old room. His room full of wonderful memories and awkward moments. It was 10:12 PM when I said goodnight to everyone. Lock went to bed with Hanta.

It's now 2:56 AM. I'm laying in bed staring into the ceiling. I tried sleeping. It never worked.

Each time I closed my eyes, memories of them came flooding in. Drowning me. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything, but watch. Watch as they tore me down. Bit by bit until I was nothing. Just a void of nothingness.

Each time, they would just be watching. Every second. Every gasping breath. Every tear that splattered against ground. Everything.

I open my eyes and be met by silence. Only silence was suffocating.

I just needed some fresh air. I shut the door as quietly as I could. Soon I was outside.

I don't know how long I walked for because I didn't really have a destination. I just my feet take me. They stopped. I looked up by instinct.

Where I was at maybe it my mind unconsciously wanting me to go the place. I don't know, but I was here.

I was at the Bird Pass.

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