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ayla's pov

"Pot brownies!" I shouted, feeling angrier than ever. "Lucas," I snarled under my breath, my blood boiling just thinking about him. "Ayla, I don't think he'd do that. He was and still is my friend," Daniel argued, defending him. "What else can you remember?" I demanded to know. Daniel heavily thought, "Well, I remember Lucas coming to the house with some beer and stuff. But he had a 12-pack and I know I didn't have any," He explained.

I scoffed. "Daniel, it all would makes sense! You can't just suddenly get drunk and wander off, not remembering a thing. Especially when you know you didn't take one sip!" I practically shouted at him. He sat there for a minute, contemplating about whether or not I was right. Starting to shake his head, "The thing is, I'm not sure, I don't remember it clearly enough," he clasped his hands together, followed by, "I really don't-" I walked over to him, clapping my hands together, "Daniel! You seriously need to stop being so oblivious!" I screamed again in his face. "You're innocent and everyone thinks you're just this awful mess, but you're not!" I spoke, beginning to pace back and forth, "It's not fair to you, Daniel." Hovering over the counter, I kept mumbling, "Oh my God, that son of a bitch," Daniel watching me.

This was ridiculous. Lucas obviously set him up to do something and his 'girlfriend' was in on it. I don't understand how people can be that messed up. It's so sad. Daniel has been through so much to just have his life get tossed around. It's not fair to him. At all. I'm sick of it. Something has to be done.

I couldn't hear anything but my own thoughts, until his voice poked in my head, "Ayla." He waited a minute to say it again, "Ayla." I didn't listen, I just let out more words, ignoring his, "Daniel. Lucas clearly set you up to do something you didn't want to do. You need to read between the lines! Seriously. I'm so tired of hearing that you get tossed around like nothing all the time. It's time to finally stand up to people. You're an amazing guy and people need to stop being so jealous of that and see you and for once, be prou-"

He finally started to stand up.

"Ayla, stop." He snapped, shooting up, throwing a pillow furiously onto the couch. "You know what," He growled, "I'm not" ferociously gathering his things, I watched him. The colors in his eyes were fading, his ears practically steaming with fury. I was confused, "Daniel, what do you me-" I called, just to watch him storm towards the door. What! I threw my hands to my sides, "What are you doing!?" He briefly looked back at me, saying nothing. Then he opened the door, slamming it shut. I sprinted after him immediately, barely grabbing the door before it shut, causing it to catch my finger, "Shit!" The pain flowed through my body, it hurt. But I didn't give it much attention. I needed to stop Daniel.

At the door, I watched him leave, "Daniel!" I called. He kept stomping towards his car, "Daniel, stop!" I shouted again, Daniel not even giving me any acknowledgement. I screamed again, "Daniel, seriously!" He still didn't listen, he was getting into his car now. I finally let out a huff of breath, followed by a real shout of anger and infuriation, "Daniel James Seavey, stop that now and just listen to me!" I could see his eyes pause, along with everything else. His hands were on the wheel, seatbelt not even in place. "Please," I lowly shouted in a softer tone. He just stopped. I could hear my voice echo throughout the air of the small neighborhood. The cool wind blowing through my hair, it was pretty chilly out by now, and I wasn't wearing a jacket. I was breathing hard now. One, from the adrenaline of my probably broken finger, and two, from my anger towards Daniel at the moment.

I stormed towards him, his eyes following mine. I grabbed his arm, pulling him out. He didn't even try to break away from my light grip on him. "Can you please tell me what your problem is?" my arms now crossed one in front of the other. As I was trying to reach for him, he swung away, "Ayla, why don't you just stop!" Quickly, I stopped, giving him a glare, "What." I growled under my breath, "Daniel, I'm trying to help you. Do you not see that?" My chest was slowly rising up and down. "Well don't! I don't want your help!" He shouted at me, getting into his car. Before he could even start the engine, I ran to the other side, getting into the passenger seat. He sighed, blinking his eyes, "Ayla, can you please get out of my car? I'm going back to my place," He huffed, waiting for me to leave. I didn't budge, "Not until you tell me what's wrong with you. Why did you just snap like that?"

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