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(blessed your eyes, love you)

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(blessed your eyes, love you)

ayla's pov

Feeling water seeping through my closed eyelids, I woke up to Christina and Corbyn shaking me awake, "Get up, Ayla it's an emergency." My tired eyes wearily followed a path over to my phone as I reached for it, my lock screen with a sweet picture of Carter and I that read the time as 10:24 am. I groaned, throwing my head back underneath my pillows, "Why are you waking me up so early?" I breathed out, taking my head out from under the sheets. I looked up at them to see all the boys plus Maya and Christina surrounding me, one of my eyes was open while the other was shut, squinting around. I took in a huge huff of air, then they just screamed out of the blue, "Happy birthday, Ayla!"

Out of surprise, I dove under my blankets and cuddled myself for warmth, groaning, "What?" then stuck myself back into my fort, "It's not even my birthday."

"Yeah, we know. But we thought it'd be fun to go do stuff today," Jack spoke enthusiastically. Jonah nodded while Corbyn added, "Starting, like, now." My eyes were sealed shut as I lifted my head slowly before dropping it back down. "Oh come on, you lazy bum. Get up," Maya screeched, rolling my body over. Peeking my eyes out from my own personal shield, she took the blanket off my face and I saw Daniel's blue eyes among all the guys. His tooth gap showing between his smile, "Hurry, A. We have plans for today," he exclaimed.

He reached for me, pulling my arm a little. I didn't make my body stiff or anything, I just let him haul me out of bed and drag my dreary body to the bathroom that was extremely clean and shiny somehow.

Living with five boys doesn't exactly call for a clean house and since they've been living here. This was strange.

Mumbling, "Who cleaned the bathroom?" Daniel's hand reached down to grab my toothbrush, "The blue one, right?" He asked grabbing the correct one and handing it to me, "Thank you, Seav." I then proceeded to apply toothpaste and began brushing my teeth. He then easily answered to my previous question, "Oh, I did," My mouth gaped as he walked out. Why would he take his own time to clean our bathroom? Seemed strange. Once he stepped out, my eyes peered over to see them all eyeing at us together.

Our eyes met for a split second before we both burst out in a soft chuckle which resulted in me nearly choking on the toothpaste.

"Y'all are crazy," I mumbled through my spit-filled mouth, my Texan accent showing off a bit, which caused Daniel and Christina to squeal, "Awh! The accent!" They cooed, which made me feel embarrassed. Maya had one stronger than me, yet they didn't pick on her. I rolled my eyes at them and continued brushing. After that, they were all still just chilling in my room. Corbyn, Christina, and Jonah were sprawled along the small couch I had. Zach and Maya were sitting on the edge of my bed. Jack was leaning against the wall, as was Daniel, both scrolling through there phones.

Spitting out my mouthwash, I dried my face off lightly and stepped back into the room. Hacking out a cough, it gave me courage to actually speak, "Guys, I'm gonna change," I spat, walking over to the closet. Their heads turned quickly, all of their bodies moving fast. Without questioning, they bolted out of my room instantly, Jonah being the last one out, shut the door behind him.

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