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ayla's pov

"No. No, Karlie, it's just for a music discussion," Daniel sighed into his phone as I listened to Karlie yelling at him as to why he was hanging out with me. "Karlie, you know I still love music. It's my passion. No, the boys and I aren't getting back together," He lied, shooting me a wink, followed by a finger to his lips. "Okay. Okay, bye, Karlie. I'll see you later," He ended the call, throwing himself onto the chair in front of my desk where I wrote several song lyrics. Along with some from the past years. Luckily, Daniel didn't see the book I had, that was full of them. Instead he spun himself in a circle, "She's so overbearing sometimes," He sighed, resting a hand on his forehead. I walked over to my own bed, calmly sitting down, "She's just worried. Karlie probably just doesn't want to lose you," I pointed out, trying to help. Even though I was still in love with Daniel, I've done everything I could to keep him from knowing that himself. "Yeah, that's why she's always hanging out with her guy friends. Lucas especially." He scoffed, not really caring about the possible cheating of his girlfriend. Ugh. Lucas. I was still angry about what he did. Or didn't do. But I'm pretty sure he did do.

"You know I'm gonna get him to confess to what he did right?" I shot, holding a fuzzy pillow in my hands. Daniel stayed quiet. Scoffing, I let out a small portion of my plan, "YeH. I'm going to get it on tape. In secret of course, tricking him into saying everything he did that day or night or whatever. Once I do, everyone will know that you had nothing to do with that little scandal, it'll expose Lucas for what he is. A poser," I growled under my breath, tightening my grip on the pillow. I could feel him getting up. Soon, Daniel's eyes hovered over me as I lay on my bed, letting go of the pillow and staring at the ceiling.

"So that's what your genius idea was, Ayla Gray?" He chuckled, walking over to my dresser and observing the objects that laid on top of it. I thought for a minute, "Well actually.." how was I supposed to explain this. "So, you know how you say your fans 'hate' you?" I asked, inserting quotations around 'hate' as Daniel nodded his head, "Yeah they pretty much want nothing to do with me." He sighed, tossing himself onto the bed and laying next to me. "Well, I was thinking that maybe we could get them to change their perspectives of you," I rolled onto my stomach, coming face to face with him, his blue eyes meeting mine as I tried not getting lost in them, "Oh yeah?" He did the same, plopping his cheeks into his hands. "You know that song we wrote together?"

Daniel's smile lit up, "Yes, I do."

Clasping my hands together, I spoke with a soft tone, "Why don't we put it out there for the world to hear. Like on the radio station!" I asked happily, thinking my idea was beyond brilliant. Daniel gave me a slight smirk, "Okay. Just because you threw a pun in there, doesn't mean I'm going to agree," he laughed, my face becoming dull. "I mean it. This could be what you need. Once they here it, it'll speak to them. You'll come out with an explanation and it'll be an amazing feeling. You'll love it," speaking from my heart, I found the best words to say. His smile faded as he reached for my hand, immediately stopping himself, "What if they hate it?" Daniel questioned. A tone of mere anxiety and fear in his voice, hoping off the bed and pacing towards my mirror. "I don't look the same way I used to," Daniel spoke, staring at his reflection.

He was right. He was better.

"Yeah. You don't look the same," I followed him to stand right beside him, I placed my hands on his arms, "You look better. Stronger. Even more talented than you did before. You know why?" He turned to face me, his ocean eyes full of hope. "Because you are the Daniel Seavey. Nothing can keep you from being the incredibly talented guy that you are. And if they don't see that, someone else will." I was speaking with full clarity in my voice, meaning everything I said, "Remember that 15-year-old boy with big hopes of winning American Idol?" Daniel nodded, "He was young.. He didn't know what the world was full of.." I stopped him, "But it doesn't matter. He went out there and he played with his entire heart until the very end," I replied, "Everyone was proud of him. His drive didn't end, it never did. He inspires people. He needs to be heard again." Our eyes were locked on each other, I saw his glance hover to my lips. Backing up, casually, I led on, "Come on, now. Who else can play almost any instrument given to him? Who else has the most unique and astonishing voice ever? No one can top you, Daniel!" I hyped up, a smile quickly forming on him, "You really think that highly of me? Even after everything?"

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