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ayla's pov

"Maya?" I walked back into the apartment with Daniel to see Maya and Zach sitting at the island with slices of pizza in their hands. They both looked at us, "You guys okay?" Zach merely asked taking a big bite of his slice. Daniel and I both nodded. "You don't have to lie, we heard everything," Maya spoke, "well, most of it," eyeing us, "We're here for you," her glance hovering over to my bloody finger.

"Ayla! Your hand," Zach shouted through mouthfuls of pizza. "We need to take you to a doctor," Maya gasped nearly spitting out her soda, I nodded. I didn't even care about it, I just wanted Daniel to tell Zach everything, "Daniel, come clean to Zach." I spat, before grabbing the keys with my not-broken finger. "What," Maya questioned throwing her eyes at Daniel, "I will," He sighed. I motioned for Maya to come, as I heard Daniel begin to speak. "Maya, I'll explain in the car," I told her, already exiting the home.

"What is it," She asked turning the ignition. With the soft music playing in the background, I told her everything. With a straight face. I told her. It was nearly a half hour drive. She was not completely surprised, but she did shed a few tears and was angry but she agreed with me, "We need to bring the band back, that's their escape from reality. They need each other," I sternly voiced. Maya nodded her head, "I'm Skyping Jonah. Once we do that together.. some day, whatever he says will go and then we can call Christina and Corbyn together." My stomach did a flip at that thought.

"Jack, Zach and Daniel are the ones who are closest to us right now. I think we both know they would go back to the band in a heartbeat, so we don't need to worry about him," She calmly spoke with her eyes on the road as we pulled into the parking lot of a local hospital. She thought I needed to go to the Emergency Room due to my finger now being a purple-blue color and all the dried blood and bright red around it. I got out, slamming the door shut, "Well I'll just go up to them, show them the finger and go from there?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Maya laughed opening the entrance. I suddenly had an exciting thought, "Should I make a scene?" I asked, with a mischievous grin on my lips, seeing the empty hallway, I didn't think it'd be a big deal. Maya smirked back at me, nodding her head.

Maya walked in first screaming, "Doctor! Please! We need a doctor stat!" Overdramatizing the situation. I followed in after her shortly, stumbling and tripping over myself, holding my finger in my hand. "Oh my God, I think I'm gonna pass out," I gasped, a nurse came running at me, "Oh goodness, we'll did Dr. Morales right away!" Motioning for me to get a place to sit and calm down which was followed by me letting myself fall onto a nearby gurney. Maya rushed over to me smiling, "Nice work," She whispered. "You too," I hushed back. She spun her hand, signaling to do more. So I started hyperventilating myself and Dr. Morales came rushing over, "We need to stitch her up immediately," He was yelling at a bunch of other doctors. Maya could barely keep a straight face on, but somehow managed, they stabbed my finger with a needle containing an anesthetic, but I could handle the pain, I've been shot and that hurt me way more. The procedure went by really quickly. I got 4 stitches, a little finger cast and a lollipop.


"Hey, Ayla, right?" A boy had come up to me as I was reaching for some black paint I needed to finish up our visual for the First Hour project. Tuesday rolled around the corner sooner than I'd thought it would. Scanning this boy that approached me, I noticed him from around school, he had light green eyes and dirty-blonde, curly hair that sat on top of his head. He was a sweet guy. Not fake. Like Lucas. I smiled at him, "Yeah. That's me," I searched for 2 brushes in a can, looking for the perfect ones to paint with. The boy looked nervously around, "I'm, I'm, Jax, by the way," he held out his hand to me, with a small smile, which cause me to chuckle as I reached my hand out to shake his.

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