Chapter 3: The Morning After

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Braelynn and Bucky woke up the next morning around 10 in the morning Bucky was asleep on her back as she laid on her stomach. He woke up first and saw her naked beside him and he whispered "oh no." 

Braelynn woke up and rolled over and said "Morning." 

"Morning." he said 

Then she saw his face and said "Please tell me that you are not making that face cause you have girlfriend back home and you just realized that you cheated." 

He looked down and said "I have a girlfriend back home and I broke my promise to her and Steve." as he got up and started to get dressed.

Braelynn rolled to her side and swallowed back tears and she got up and got dressed and left her room. Nat stopped her and said "Hey hey no you didn't know." 

Bucky came out and he said "Steve don't say a word ok just don't." then he heard crying.

Nat hugged her and said "Shh you didn't know we tried to stop it from happening but you two moved fast last night." 

"Buck what the hell happened?' Clint said

He looked down "I don't know the last thing I remember is dancing with her." 

"dude you two drank two bottles of patron and fireball together. I'm surprised that you two had sex as long as you two did last night." Sam said

They both looked at Sam and he said "I'm surprised you are able to move Braelynn you two banged it out till around 4 in the morning." 

Wanda said "I forgot how loud you get honestly and how much you like to scream the word fuck around too." 

Braelynn walked away from Nat and went into her room and started to strip her bed and screamed and Bucky shuddered when she did and she threw her bed stuff in her laundry basket and then she picked up the empty liquor bottles and threw them in the trash of the living room. Then she started to clean up her out fit from the night before and threw it in her laundry basket.

Sam said "What is she doing?'

"When Braelynn gets hurt or mad she cleans." Kaitlyn said 

Braelynn came out of her room and with her basket and then stopped as she went back in her room and looked under her bed and in her bathroom. Nat seen come back out and said "Brae what's wrong?"

She swallowed hard and said "It's nothing Nat don't worry about it." as she left the dorm to start cleaning up her bed stuff to try and wash a way what she did the night before. She sat down there and cried. Wanda came in and said "Hey what is it?'

Braelynn hugged her and said "I don't think we used condoms Wanda I didn't see any what if I get pregnant." 

"Shh we will keep this between me and you ok." Wanda said 

When she went back upstairs the boys were about to leave she went into her room and found Bucky sitting on her bed. "Braelynn I'm sorry okay I haven't done that in a really long time I've been with Ashlynn for two years." 

"I don't care just leave me alone." she said 

Steve came in and said "Let's go." 

As he was walking out she said "Better come up with a damn good lie about the scratch marks and bite marks I left on you." 

He looked back at her and said "Braelynn I really am sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me." 

"Don't count on it." she said 

She slammed the door and Nat said "She'll be fine boys she needs some time to cool off. " 

Nat kissed Steve and said "Thanks for coming baby I love you." 

"I love you too princess hope you had a good birthday." Steve said 

"I did get the boys home and drive safe." she said 

The boys left. 

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