Chapter 9: Annistyn Renee

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On June 9th around 9 PM as she was laying on the couch with her head on her stepmom's lap as her dad and stepmom came to stay with her so she wasn't alone when she went into labor. She started to feel contractions and she said "Mmm Karen.." 

"Yeah honey.." Karen said 

"Ow.. oh god.. mm" she said as she sat up.

"Ok that's to close together Brae we need to go honey now." Karen said 

Marc loaded up her car and he followed as Karen drove Braelynn's car to the hospital. Nat and the girls were back in GA hanging out at a bonfire when Braelynn called her. "Hey B what's up?' Nat said

"Um she's coming. I'm on my way to the hospital now." she said 

She gasped and found Wanda and mouthed "We need to go." 

Wanda took the phone and said "Hey B.." 

"Hey she's coming my contractions are like 2 minutes apart oh god that hurt.. um so yeah." Braelynn said

The girls started to go to Nat's car and Steve said "Where are you girls going?'

"Um we have to some where to be." Wanda said 

Steve looked down at his phone and read Nat's text "B is having a baby right now we need to get on the road." then he looked up at Nat. The girls got in the car and headed to FL and Bucky said "You all aren't going with them." 

"Nat said to meet her down there tomorrow. Braelynn is having a cookout she needed help getting what everyone liked." Clint said

"At 930?'

"Well by the time they get down there it won't be 930." Sam said 

"Whatever I'm going home.. come on baby we have a flight to catch in the morning." Bucky said to Ashlynn.

"What do you mean you have a flight to catch in the morning." Clint said

"We are flying out to Vegas at 8AM tomorrow to get married." Bucky said as he got in the truck. 

After 6 hours labor Braelynn welcomed little Annistyn Renee Cooper into the world at 330AM. The nurse said "Here you go mama." as she laid her on her chest. She stopped crying and started to make coo noises at her and Braelynn closed her eyes and took a deep breathe and opened them as she looked down. 

She swallowed hard and said "Karen.." 

"Shh.." Karen said

"She has his eyes and nose." she said as she started to cry. 

Marc came in and said "Baby it's ok.. the girls are here." 

The girls came in after the nurse got Annistyn all cleaned up and dressed and swaddled. She smiled and wiped tears as they came in and Nat said "Oh god Brae no wonder your in tears she has his eyes and nose." 

Wanda and Kaitlyn looked over her shoulder and Kaitlyn said "But she's got that fire red hair like her mama." 

Braelynn laughed and said "Yeah. Um where are the boys?'

"Oh they are coming later.." Wanda said

"No we are not we are here." Sam said 

"We ended up leaving a few minutes after you.. um Braelynn not to upset you but Bucky is eloping to Vegas. They are flying out at 8AM he told us that before he left." Steve said 

"Oh.. well that's fine um she has my last name I filled out all the paper work he um he's on her birth certificate but um the nurse told me that they won't do anything if he's not involved like at all unless I want to get him for child support which I won't do cause he's getting married." she said. 

Steve came over and took her from Nat and "Oh my god" He whispered. Sam and Clint shook their head when they seen her. Braelynn looked down and wiped tears "Atleast she has my hair right." she said 

Steve said "Brae.." He gave the baby to Sam and came over and hugged her. "Shh it'okay Braelynn." 

By the next morning when Braelynn got to go home cause she didn't have any problems and little Annistyn came out with no problems. Bucky and Ashlynn were in a chapel getting married in Vegas. Braelynn's dad and step mom stayed another week with her to help her get adjusted to being a mom. She enrolled her into the campus daycare for the upcoming school year her last year of college from her laptop as she breastfed Annistyn. 

When Bucky got back from Vegas he found his friends at the docks and said "I got a text that you wanted us here what's up." 

"You'll see." Steve said 

Wanda had it recording live on Facebook so Braelynn who was breastfeeding Annistyn could watch as Steve proposed to Nat by candle light on the docks. After Steve made his big speech about how much he loved her and how much she meant to him he dropped to one knee and proposed to her. Braelynn smiled so big and whispered "Say yes Nat" as Annistyn was still eating but she was asleep.

"Yes."! Nat said 

Bucky looked around and didn't see Braelynn but seen what Wanda was doing and realized that's why Wanda did it so Braelynn could still watch. Steve said "Do you like your ring?'

"I do. It's gorgeous Steve." she said as she made sparkle in the moon light." she said 

"Good cause Braelynn helped me pick it out." he said 

She walked right over to Wanda and said "Thank you B I wish you were here." 

She whispered "I wish I was too." as she looked at her baby girl and wiped a tear drop. She unlatched Annistyn and put her in her bassinet so she could clean up the kitchen. Once she got her kitchen and some laundry folded she went to bed. 

Bucky walked over to Nat and said "Congrats." 

"Thanks Buck." she said

"um why didn't she come?' he said

"She's just got a lot going on. Her mom still isn't speaking to her and um she's living in FL all by herself right now." she said 

He looked down and said "So she didn't want to come be apart of this even though she helped him pick out your ring. She would rather watch through the phone." 

"Buck just let it go ok. I know Steve told you about her ex it's been hard for her to move on and the one time she does let her guard down she gets burned." she said as she walked away. 

Bucky swallowed back his feelings and said "Hey Ash you ready to go home." 

"Yeah baby let's go home." she said 

They all loaded up shortly after that and went home. 

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