Chapter 14: Wanda's Wedding

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It was the morning of Wanda's wedding and as usual Braelynn was late cause Annistyn wouldn't sit still while she curled her hair. She pulled in and the groomsmen were outside the church and she got herself out of the car and then she opened the back door and said "Damn Anni please honey keep your shoes on." 

Bucky seen her as she answered the phone "Yes Wanda I'm here I'm sorry I just pulled in and Annistyn took her shoes off I'm trying here ok." 

Bucky ran over to her and said "Hey take a breathe." She closed her eyes and took a breathe and he said "Much better." She finished putting Annistyn's shoes on and got her out of the car and he said "You both look beautiful." 

"Yeah well I'm sweating like a whore in church and Wanda calling me every 5 minutes isn't helping me right now." she said as she walked up to the church. She got to the bride's room and said "I'm here now what's wrong." 

Wanda turned around and said "My dress is to tight my boobs are about to pop out of it." 

"Good god Wanda.. are you pregnant?' Braelynn said 

"I um we um we haven't told anyone yet I thought I had time before anything really started to happen" she said 

Braelynn unzipped Wanda's dress and said "Hold on a minute." she searched all over the church for a pair of scissors and then went running back in and was able to fix her dress just like her grandma showed her when she had to fix her prom dress cause she was bloated the day of prom cause of her period. She fixed her dress and zipped it back up and said "That better." 

"yeah.. oh god so much better." Wanda said 

"Good.." she said as she picked up Annistyn and said "Now let's get you married." 

They all went to the front of the church and got lined up and Annistyn was the flower girl she walked down the aisle all by herself and put the petals like Braelynn showed her and then Braelynn walked down behind her then Annistyn held her hand as she got to the end. Then the ceremony started and they got married without a fight between Bucky and Braelynn. 

They got to the reception and they did their first dance and then after the dances were done. Bucky came over to her and said "Hey.."

"Hey.." she said 

"You look gorgeous do you think Nat could watch her for a minute." he said

"Why?' she said 

"Because I want to dance with the maid of honor if that's ok." he said 

"But your wife.." she said 

"Maid of Honor and Best man are just sharing a dance that's all." he said 

She swallowed hard and said "Ok." 

She carried Annistyn and said "Nat can you watch her a minute." 

"Yeah.." she said 

"When We Were Young" by Adele started to play as she placed her hand in his and he placed his hand on her lower back as she placed her other hand on his shoulder. She swallowed hard and he said "Breathe." 

She closed her eyes as he lead her across the floor as they danced. Nat said "Steve she's freaking out inside" 

"I know but Bucky said that they have been talking once a week on the phone." Steve said 

"What?" Nat said 

"Yeah that was my reaction too." Steve said 

The song was over and he kissed her cheek and let her go and she let out a breathe. She went over got her daughter and said "Ok I'm going home um." 

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