Chapter 4: Thanksgiving Break

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It had been 2 months since Nat's birthday and they were all heading home for Thanksgiving. Wanda came into Braelynn's room and said "You leaving?'

"Um yeah.. I'm going just need a minute." she said as she leaned against her bathroom door.

"Brae.. are you sure that you are alright this is the second morning that you have been sick." Wanda said as she shut the door.

"I'll be fine Wanda I'm fine." she said 

She went back into the bathroom to puke for the 3rd time and said "I'll just get me some peppermints at the gas station. She grabbed her bag and keys to head home and Wanda stopped her and said "Have you taken a test yet?'

"No cause I don't want to know I know I need to but I'm scared Wanda." she said 

Wanda hugged her and said "Shh it will be ok." 

They all loaded up and headed home to GA for Thanksgiving. Braelynn stopped and got gas and a bag of peppermints then got on the road. She made it into Macon and stopped at a pharmacy and picked up a test and swallowed hard. She got to her dad's house and said "Hey daddy." 

"Hey sunshine how was the drive? I expected you much earlier." Marc her dad said

"I had some nausea." she said as she hugged him and then hugged her stepmom Karen. 

She went upstairs to her old room and laid down and whispered "Can't be." 

Meanwhile Bucky was in North Carolina with Ashlynn and her family. He faked being sick for a week till the marks from Braelynn healed up so they couldn't have sex he couldn't tell her the the truth. After the first few days of break they went back to GA and they were having dinner with his family. After his family dinner he was at his house with all of his friends over and said "Ashlynn I um have an early Christmas present for you." 

Nat saw as he pulled a ring box out of and said "Steve what is he doing?'

"Ashlynn Rae Jones I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you please me Marry Me?' Bucky said 

Wanda whispered "oh no.." as she read the text she just got from Braelynn of her positive pregnancy test and saw the proposal happen. Clint whispered "Darlin what's wrong?"

"We have a problem?'" she whispered as Ashlynn said yes. 

Wanda looked at Nat and she mouthed "What's wrong?' as Wanda looked back at the text. 

"Clint get Sam and Steve and the girls we need to make a trip now." Wanda whispered

"Baby what's wrong." Clint said 

Wanda ran out the door and got in Clint's truck and texted Braelynn "Is there a place we can meet you?'

"My daddy's farm" she texted back. 

They all came out and got in their cars and Clint said "Baby where are we going."

"Macon." she said 

Bucky was very confused as to why his friends suddenly had to leave but they had been giving him the cold shoulder since he did what he did with Braelynn. They all met Braelynn at her dad's farm who was pacing in the barn. Wanda said "How many did you take?'

"I took 4.." as she held them  up. 

Nat said "Oh shit.." 

Clint said "Now I understand why you freaked out baby.." 

Steve looked down and said "Are you not on birth control?'

"I am but here's the kicker Steve I got my shot 3 days before Nat's party I don't keep condoms on me or in my room hell I haven't had sex in a year till I fucked him he never asked if he needed one although I'm sure if he promised you and his girlfriend that he would be good then he probably didn't think to bring one." she said

"Fiancee is the word you are looking for" Sam said

"What? He said girlfriend." she said

"Well we were just at his proposal.. Wanda got your message just as he asked her." Kaitlyn said

Braelynn walked away and started to cry and said "Just go back to Savannah." 

"Brae.." Wanda said as she walked over to her. "Look at me you are not doing this by yourself me and Nat and Kat will help you." she said 

"I can't cheer Wanda I have to use my academic scholarship." she said through tears. 

Bucky called Steve and said "What the hell man you all fucking leave when I'm doing something big what was so much more important than being here for me while I  propose to the girl I love." 

Braelynn rolled her eyes and Steve said "We went to see Braelynn in Macon she said she wanted us to see her dad's farm at night." 

"Oh.. um why didn't you just tell me that instead of making me feel like you all are mad at me still. Look guys I know I fucked up but I apologized and I even sent her a facebook message to apologize and she told me to leave her alone and then she blocked me I never meant to hurt her." Bucky said 

Braelynn walked away and got in her jeep and said "You all go home." as she started it up. 

When Nat got back with Steve she drove over to Bucky's house and said "Winnie can I talk to Bucky for a minute." 

"Yeah sure he's downstairs." Winnie said

"Is he alone?' she said

"Yeah Ashlynn went back to see her folks he didn't want to go." Winnie said 

Nat went downstairs and said "Buck you need to just let it go with Braelynn don't search for on her social media. She's not only mad at you she's mad at herself right now." 

Bucky looked down and "I really didn't mean for things to get that far Nat." 

"I know you didn't Buck you are usually really good about behaving I think it was the first time you had been out without Ashlynn on your tail and you just wanted to have some fun which is fine but you shouldn't of drank so much." Nat said 

"Yeah." he said 

"That's all I wanted to come talk to you about." she said as she got up and as she started to go back upstairs he said "Is she ok? I heard her on the phone she sounded upset." 

"Yeah she just hates holidays cause her parents aren't together they have co parented her whole life. So she's always having to go to a lot of dinners cause she has step parents." Nat said 

"Oh.." he said 

Nat left and headed home. 

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