Chapter 12: Rehearsal

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The next morning they all gathered up and headed to the IHOP for the wedding party breakfast. They got to the restaurant and Nat got Braelynn a high chair for Annistyn she put her in it and ordered them a plate to share. Bucky skipped the breakfast he was still upset that he still felt like they were hiding something from him. 

When they got back she and Annistyn stayed inside watched Disney movies. The rest of the wedding party was outside in the pool. Bucky came out and looked around and he shook his head when he realized why they weren't out they were both gingers. She walked out on the balcony while Annistyn took a nap. 

"Cooper get your butt and that tiny butt down here." Nat said 

She said "Unless you want us both to look like at tomato tomorrow the answer is no." 

"Come on have some fun for once." Wanda said 

Then she seen Bucky with his wife and said "It's fine guys." as she went back in. Smiled as Annistyn was sucking her thumb and holding her blanket as she laid on her back. Around 4 she got them both ready for the rehearsal dinner. She headed down with her and Bucky came up behind her and said "Brae." 

She turned around and said "Oh I um" 

He said "Why are you avoiding the question?' 

She looked up at him and Annistyn looked at him. He had a good look at her since they were in the lobby and he said "Bbbraelynn she.. how old is she?" 

"um she um she just turned 2 last month." she said with tears in her eyes.

Bucky started to put the pieces together in his head and he said "Braelynn.." 

She bit her lip and looked down "You kept it from me." he said

Nat came down stopped when she saw Braelynn upset and Steve said "oh no." 

"Buck it's fine it doesn't matter okay." she said as she was about to go back to her room and he stopped her and he said "why?'

"It doesn't matter Bucky just drop it okay." she said as she walked off. She got on the elevator and went up to her room and said "We just won't go baby" as they laid down on the bed. Bucky stood there in a lobby and ran his through his hair and wiped tears and then he seen Steve and Nat and cut them a look. 

"You two knew and kept it from me you all fucking knew the real reason why she was mad at me cause I got her pregnant." he said 

Nat said "Bucky what the hell was she suppose to do. Do you want to know something. The day she found out she was pregnant she texted Wanda during your fucking proposal and said that she took 4 tests and they all said Positive. Your daughter was born on the day you got married. You made it very clear to her that you wanted nothing to do with her afterwards." 

Once Braelynn got Annistyn asleep she texted Nat and said "I bought me and her a plane ticket we are going home this was a mistake Nat I'm sorry." 

She packed up their stuff and called them a taxi and she loaded them both up and checked out and got in the taxi. Nat didn't get her text till they were all at the rehearsal and said "No oh fuck!" 

"What's wrong?' Wanda said

"Brae left she texted me and said that this was a mistake that she and Annistyn was going home." Nat said

Wanda closed her eyes and Bucky said "Um considering this is my fault I think it will be best if Clint be your best man Steve. I'm just gonna go and we are probably leaving too cause right now I don't feel like I have any friends." as he started to walk back to the hotel. 

Bucky bought him and Ashlynn a plane ticket he just told her that him and Steve got into a fight and he didn't want to be his best man. They headed home back to GA and he got home to their apartment. 

Braelynn was asleep with Annistyn on her chest in her bed after their long flight. Nat texted her and said "You didn't have to leave." she didn't get it till she woke up. 

"I did it was mistake Nat." she said 

Bucky was on his bike driving all over Savannah and then he went by the football office as he was coaching his old high school football team. He started to work on plays and set up the upcoming games for the new season. Ashlynn came in and said "Baby are you sure you are alright you are acting really strange." 

"Yeah I'm fine Ash I told you that." he said 

"Well here you go I brought you some pizza and beer." she said as she sat them on his desk. 

"Thank you." he said

She left his office and he pulled out his old phone that was in the bottom drawer of his desk. He turned it on and scrolled through his pictures and found the one and only picture from Nat's birthday that he took and it was a picture of him and Braelynn as she made a kissy face and he kissed her cheek. He sat back in his chair and said "What the fuck did I do that night." then he turned the phone off and threw in the bottom drawer. 

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