Chapter 5: The First Appointment

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About a week after the girls got back from Thanksgiving break Braelynn had her first appointment. She was thanking her lucky stars that she didn't have the doctor she had last time she didn't want him to say anything to her. Wanda came in with her and sat down beside the exam table. The nurse checked her temp and blood pressure and said "The pee stick that we made you take said positive as well. How many did you take at home?'

"4." Braelynn said

"Ok..the doctor will be in, in a minute." the nurse said 

She sat there and waited for the doctor to come in as she chewed on her lip. The doctor came in and looked over the nurse's notes and said "Ok let's start with a general exam." as he felt on her breasts and she cringed as they were sore and then she laid back and he felt around on her stomach then she put her feet in the stirups and he did a papsmear. Then he put the gel on her stomach and started the ultrasound.

"Oh yeah we are definitely pregnant Ms Cooper. About 12 weeks along since we are coming up on 3 months in about a week. Baby looks good the heart beat is good 150 is the heart beat and I'd say you are due on June 10th." he said as he did measurements. 

Braelynn watched as he did everything he needed to do in the ultrasound and he said "You need to get your some prenatal vitamins. Tums for heartburn cut down caffeine and no cheering till after you have the baby." 

"Ok." she said 

He started to move the wand around as he started to check everything else and said "Just one baby I wanted to make sure cause twins like to hide. We will be able to determine the gender next month and everything else looks good Ms Cooper." 

"Thank you." she said

He gave her a napkin to clean the gel off and handed her copy of the ultrasounds to her and said "Come back after the holidays and we should be able to determine the gender. 

"Ok thank you." she said 

The doctor left the room and she got dressed and her and Wanda got in Wanda's car. She saw that she had a miss call from Clint. "hey baby sorry I was at the doctor with Braelynn." 

Clint took her off speakerphone real fast and said "it's ok is she sick or something." covering himself.

Wanda knew then that Bucky was in the room and he had to cover himself. "She was feeling a little sick so I told her I would take her everything is good though."

"When is her birthday again maybe we can plan a trip to see her?' Clint said hoping Wanda picked up on his code question and she said "June" 

Bucky left the room when Ashlynn came in and they went into his room to do his homework. Steve said "Ask her what day." 

"What day?' Clint said

"June 10th." Wanda said 

Braelynn got her phone and snapped a picture of it and sent to Nat. Nat then sent it to the boys but told them to delete afterwards. After Ashlynn Bucky came out and said "Are you boys ok? You were acting strange earlier when Wanda called." 

"Yeah we are fine." Steve said 

"Whatever" he said as he went back into his room. 

He went to find Braelynn on instagram and twitter since she blocked him on Facebook. But he had no luck finding her and that was because Braelynn deactivated all her social media. 

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