Chapter 11: The Reunion

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Braelynn put her hair up into a messy bun and then put Annistyn's red hair into curly pigtails with a t shirt that said "Mama is my bestie" and black leggings and pair of little chuck taylors. Braelynn had on a t shirt that said "Mama is tired" with a pair of black leggings and black converse shoes. Annistyn was now two years old so she had her on her hip and she grabbed her diaper bag and her keys and phone and loaded them up in their car. 

Braelynn put all their luggage in the car the night before so she didn't have so much to do. She got in the car and turned up some music. She started to sing along to "Dirty Laundry" by Carrie Underwood as she took off to the airport. 

She got to the airport and got Annistyn out of the car and put her on her hip and got the diaper bag and then got their big suitcase out of the trunk and pulled the thing up to drag it by the wheels and she said "Let's go baby girl." 

She walked into the airport and Nat said "there she is I was starting to worry." 

"Well I'm late everywhere else why would I not be late this morning." she said

Steve came over and said " Here I got this you go get checked in." as he took her suitcase and she said "thanks Steve." as she walked over to the counter and got her tickets and everything checked in.  "Nat Nat" Annistyn said

"Hey my girl you look so cute this morning." Nat said as she kissed her cheek. 

Bucky turned to see who Nat and Steve were talking to and he seen Braelynn and then seen the baby on her hip. He was about walk over to her when she and Nat started to walk to the gate and Steve came over to him and said "Are you alright." 

He said "Yeah.. I just forgot how beautiful she is." 

"Buck.." Steve said

"I know I"m married and she's behind me." he said 

They got on the flight and she made the best of it as she continued to make Annistyn giggle when she blew raspberries on her stomach and would rock her when she was fussy till she fell asleep." Bucky looked back at one point and saw both of them sleeping and he said "Steve.." 

"Yeah." he said 

"Where's her boyfriend." Bucky said

"She doesn't have one." Nat said

"Oh.." Bucky said 

They finally landed in Bahamas and she got her and Annistyn off the plane with her diaper bag and a sleeping Annistyn who was sucking her thumb and she found her suitcase and she was about to get it when Bucky got it for her and he said "hey." 

"Hey." she said 

"Um how have you been?' he said

"Um I've been what about you?'she said 

"I've been good." he said 

Ashlynn came up behind him and she said "Hi I'm Ashlynn Barnes I'm Bucky's wife." 

"Hi I'm um Braelynn Cooper.. thanks for getting my suit case for me Bucky." she said as she walked off with hit. She got in her a taxi and went to the hotel that they were all staying at and got checked into her room and laid Annistyn down on the bed and covered her up with her blanket. 

She wiped a few tears and Nat came by and said "Hey you ok?'

"Yeah." she said 

Once Annistyn got her nap in she woke up and Braelynn said "Baby do you want to get in the pool." 

"Poo poo" she said 

She smiled and said "Ok." 

She got their suit case open and found her swim suit and put it on  her and put hers on and they went down to the pool since the sun was starting to set. She had her floaties on her and spinning her around and making giggles with her. Bucky walked out on his room's balcony and saw them and swallowed hard. 

He said "Hey um I'll be back I'm gonna go for a swim." as he put his trunks on.

He walked into the pool area and threw a towel on the chair. He got into the pool and swam over to them. "Brae.." he said 

She looked down and he said "When did you have her?' 

She swallowed back tears and she turned around and had tears and he looked at her and said "What's with the tears? All I asked is when you had her." 

Annistyn turned her head and looked right at him and he swallowed hard and said "Brae.. she doesn't have green eyes like you." 

"I know." she said then said "Um Annibug let's go in and get some supper I know you are hungry." as she walked away.

"Braelynn.." he said as he swam after her. 

She wrapped her towel around Annistyn and went up to her room. She ordered some room service. Bucky went by Steve's room and said "Why would Braelynn completely freak out on me when I tried to be nice and have a conversation with her and asked her when she had her daughter." 

"I don't know she doesn't really like to talk about it." Steve said 

Bucky said "Damn it Steve when the fuck did she have that little girl. Cause she was in tears." 

Nat came out of the bathroom and said "First off don't you dare come in our room yelling and if she wanted you to know she would have answered the fucking question Bucky not get the hell out of my room and go back to your wife." 

Bucky walked out and slammed the door. He went up to his room and took a shower to cool off.

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