recap 3.0

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I dropped of Nick and Dawn , who were both knocked out from the day that we had . I decided to let Georgia stay over at my house since her mom went out and locked the door , she was so pissed that she tried going through the her window only to get stuck because the window was up by a inch or three. I let her sleep in my bed while I slept on the couch because I wanted to give her some privacy since I been with her the whole day bugging her ass . I was watching the Simpsons until I heard creaking up the steps , since I'm paranoid as hell I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and hid the knife holder. Yeah I learn and teach myself from horror movies, the stupid shit that they do like trip , don't use the weapons , tries to save the dead body , and doesn't beat the person more than once . When the creaking started to get more audible I quickly held the knife out , ready to kill the person who was going down the steps . Then all I see is sleepy Georgia going down the steps "oops"I say to myself as low as possible putting the knife behind my back.
    "Yo you good or sum , what's that behind your back?" She says lowly
     "Oh it's just a imaginary object that I was going to give to....Casper yea my best friend Casper"
      "Oh well tell Casper I said-" she stopped from the sound of the doorbell going off"
Who in the hell wants to talk to me this early in the morning
    Georgia pov
So I woke up out of my bomb ass sleep , y'all know that stretch when you turn on ya stomach and squeeze y'all booty cheeks then shake your legs and turn back around. THAT SHIT BOMB ASF like fr anyways, I went downstairs but took my precious time since I didn't wanna wake up Brooke , as soon as I got to the last step I see Brooke with a knife in her hand. Maybe I scared her ? But as soon as I went to say something the doorbell went off. We both looked at each other and both dropped on the floor. I looked back and signaling me to crawl , I looked at her like she was on crack Cocaine , thats how people be dieing in Dem damn scary movies fucking retards. I grabbed the knife out of her hands and stood up , I decided since I'mma bad bitch (you can't kill me) I was gonna walk up to the door. I walked slowly to the door with a scared Brooke behind me (a/n y'all know in the scary movies how they be walking up to the door and then they hand be shaking when they go up to open the door , just imagine that is  whats going on ) I open the door to see Nick and Dawn at the door.
  "SUP BITCHE- why the hell yo butter pecan looking ass gotta knife I THOUGHT WE WAS COOL" Nick screamed " I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME BRO , YOU WAS MY FUCKING CINNAMON APPLE" she yelled again this time even more louder and people where starting to open their doors and look at us "BRO WHO THE FUCK YALL LOOKING AT , TAKE YALL BLACK AND WHITE ASS TO SLEEP" she said. "So y'all see this fuckery I had to go through for 2 hours straight" Dawn said through gritted teeth. Brooke stepped beside me and started to talk "bro you already know Nick can't be calm when she has Alcohol in her system, fucking bitch can't even act right when she sees it so why you think she gon act calm when it's in her" Brooke started to laugh out loud. Since I am the good cop I called up Nicki since she knows Nick like her right hand , I know she will take good care of this fucked up child. "I called Nicki so she can deal with her best friend but you guys can come in" I say as I move pass so Dawn and carry Nick into the living room. Brooke gave me a look before dragging me into her room, like a bitch wasn't even standing she was really dragging a nigga , we went inside of her room and she shut the door. She just stared at me , like she was really grilling the kid like gahdamn . So you just dragged me up some gahdamn steps knowing damn well I'm tir- , my sentence was cut short when I felt her lips on mine and when I tell you I felt like I was gonna die I WAS a nigga heart stopped n shit. "Oops sorry" she said knowing damn well that she purposely did that but it's all good I'mma get her back ten times harder....

I BABES I AM WORKING ON A NEW BOOK !!!!?!?? IT WILL BE STUDXSTUD SO BE prepared 😚 like always vote , comment , and share ENJOYYY💋

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