Secrets ?

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Georgia pov
I was in the bed sleep, I wasn't ready to go to school because I wasn't ready to face people. I just wanted to stay here and cuddle up into Brooke while watching funny movies. I get snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Nicki's voice

"Is she dead" I heard nick say

"No nigga she alive " I heard Louis and jazz say

"Nah nigga I actually think she dead" I heard Dawn's voice

"If she was dead then we wouldn't be able to hear her heart beat dumbass" Trinity yelled

"If ShE wAs DeAd ThEn We WoUlD'nT bE aBle To HeAr HeR hEaRt BeAt dumbass , shut yo smart ass up" I heard nick say then I heard laughter

I finally woke up and looked at the ceiling , to my luck I seen nick , Trinity , Dawn , Louis , and jazz all sitting on the bed around me.

That's odd no brooke

"Wassup bitch " I heard nick say and I put a pillow over my head

"Anyways , so y'all could answer the door for us" I heard jazz say

" But I saw a dea- NVM "

" No buts " I heard dawn say

" You just mad you don't got none"Nick say laughing while Dawn pushed her off the bed

Then I felt something tracing my arm I didn't move , cuz maybe it was Trinity or Dawn , Brooke said one of them had a fetish with tracing stuff.

" Trinity you mad weird , tracing her arm n shi- woah them bitches fire" Nick says

"Bish wheet" I say taking the pillow off my face "oh , them things are old" I say looking at my tattoos .

" I wish I could get tattoos , my mom said if she even sees me with sharpie on my arm shes beating me with her chancla (think I spelled that right , but y'all know what I'm tryna say)
Dawn says

"Oo my gahd we should go on a GIRLS TRIP" Nick says in the whitest voice ever. Like even 'yo mom job calling voice' couldn't top that shit

"I feel like that some shit Nicki would say " jazz said and we laughed

Then I start to feel weird , like something wasn't right.

" Where's Brooke" I say not tryna seem like a concerned mom even tho I am

Everybody except for Trinity looks down or anywhere else except at me.

"Trinity " , I say moving a piece of hair out of her face " where's Brooke?"

She looks over at nick and then back at me and sighs

"S-she um-"

"JUST TELL ME" I screamed shocking everybody because they never seen that side of me before

"She's out with someone" she says almost choking out her words


"Zodia " she says choking on her own spit

" Who is zodia"

"Brooke's cousin , she's in a whole mafia!" Nick says

"What's the name of the mafia "

"Sunset mafia"

"Nigga that sounds like a daycare" I say laughing a little causing them to laugh along

"Well I hope she's safe" I say laying back down , getting a little bit sad. I didn't want to wake up the next day and know that she's dead. I didn't realized that I was crying until they all laid beside me and Nick pulled my head onto her stomach and I started to cry harder . We all cuddled up into a ball and I ended up going to sleep on Nick's stomach while Trinity went to sleep on mine, Dawn went to sleep on Trinity , jazz went to sleep on Dawn , and Louis said she was claustrophobic so she slept on the floor.
I heard the front door open and close and since I get scared easily , I hugged Trinity. Her head went deeper into my stomach as I still had my head on Nick's stomach.
I heard the room door open and close and I started to panic , when I panic I start to cry and act like a little bitch , and since I get scared easily, yea I think you know where I am going with this.

I started to shake slowly and I woke up only to be pulled out of bed by Brooke and dragged into the bathroom. She opened up the door and slammed me up onto the counter.

"B-Broke what was that for " I say tearing up

Bitch that shit hurt , fucking went hulk smeeesh on me n shit

She runs my cheek them slaps me. Before she could do it again someone burst through the door
I don't know who it was because I was balled up on the counter crying because I couldn't believe that she would just do something like that. She picked me up and carried me back to our room. I cling onto them and cry as they rub my back.....

Sorry y'all I had to make this one a part two because it was getting good . BUT LIKE ALWAYS VOTE , COMMENT , AMD SHARE ENJOYYYYY 💋

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