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Georgia POV
imma put my life in three words , my. Pussy. Hurts. Like I literally never pimped walk so hard before.

"Ok now Georgia a pimp" trinity says walking out onto the hallway

"Did you hear anything last night " I say frightened

"I mean even if I wanted to I can't , the walls are soundproof " she says walking beside me

"Oh , ok then " I say getting into the elevator as trinity followed me

"So when are we gonna start finding nicki's rapist " she says pressing the 2 floor button

"Soon, right now we gotta enjoy ourselves , but I should be asking you , what business do you have on the 2 floor " I say giving her my question mark face

"Nothing important , just meeting up with somebody " she says walking out the elevator when it reached the 2 floor

"See ya around George " she says and running down the hall. But to my surprise Brooke walks into the elevator as soon as it was about to close.

"Hi brookie " I say hugging her , I wasn't able to catch her earlier because she was farting some food.

Just when she's about to hug me back , the elevator lights turn off them the elevator starts to shake back and forth violently, making me headbutt Brooke.

The elevator finally stops shaking and we hear a loud ring and then a voice.

"Help will be on the way , unfortunately you will be stuck in the elevator for 4 hours " the speaker said in a Siri voice

"FOUR HOURS " I say almost passing out

"George , handle ya self " Brooke said sitting down motioning me towards her

"We gonna get through this 4 hours like a pro , you just gotta calm down " Brooke said reassuring me

"Unfortunately you will have to wait 6 hours due to traffic , and weather" the Siri voice said

"SIX HOURS ?!" Brooke said almost passing out

"Same for you , calm down. Now what percent is your phone on ?" I say sitting in her lap

"98%" she says laying down so I was straddling her

"What percent is your phone on" Brooke says putting her hands behind her head

"100%" I say checking my phone again

"Well what are we supposed to do for 6 hours?" I say looking at her

30minutes latex
Never ask anyone what should we do for 6 hours , she literally made the floor a bathtub of my cum , and I don't know who the hell is gonna clean that up.

"Well that was fun " she says passing we my food and turning on my phone and clicking on Netflix.

And I never did this with anybody but I let my hair down ,  I didn't care if I looked feminine or not , as long as Brooke didn't take a picture of me I was good.

"Omg , is that georgette " she says looking at me up and down licking her lips and I could even stop her

30 minutes later
Like I really don't now whose gonna clean all of this up, like if my cum was lava , I will literally be dead. We hit it another time and it's officially 4:00pm, that means we have 5 hours left which means we will be leaving this elevator at 9:00pm.

"That was your 3/4 you only have one more to go , now that one is gonna be ultimate " she says making me scared for my pussy's life

"Don't worry , cats have 9 lives" Brooke says making me shiver

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