Best Not-Friends

941 33 18

Georgia POV
there was a reason to why Nicki didn't come with the rest of us , and I'm pretty sure I know why

"NICKI" I said almost breaking her door down

"Hu-" I said before pushing her and closing the door

"You know what the hell your fucked up dad did to our friend , that's why your sorry ass didn't wanna come " I said staring her down

"And you also know what he did to me" I said so mad I could throw her out the window

"What are you talking about " she said trying to act dumb

"You know what the hell your dad did to Dawn , and now everybody knows so you and your crazy ass dad will not get away with this " I said slamming her door walking back to nicks hotel

"Do you really think Nicki was in on it too " nick said taking off her shoes

"I won't put it beside her , because she could be a messenger or sum shit " I said sitting down

"It's crazy man , but we gotta find out the truth before one of us is next " nick said staring into my eyes

"I just wanna find out before I would have to find out by myself " I said laying on nick

"If she's a messenger , do you think she lied about being raped so we could come here and so all this stuff would happen to us " she said staring at the ceiling

"THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE " I said jumping on nicks lap as she groaned

"That's why she didn't wanna come save Dawn , because she was in on it with her dad " I said jumping up and down

"Nick your so smart " I said giving her a kiss running out the room to Brooke's room while nick sat there

"Brooke " I said walking inside looking at Brooke as she watched BGC

"Is your foot okay-" I said stopping seeing another part of the bed move

"What were you saying ?" She said as I backed up

"Um nothing I will-um yeah "I said before she pulled me back in

"What were you saying " she said but I was to busy looking at the figure that was staring at me

"Who is that " I Whispered

"That's um somebody- yea maybe is a good time for you to leave " she said but I was already upset

I walked over to see a light skinned , curly haired , blue eyed girl staring at me

"And what's your name " I said stepping closer and closer to her

"Arian-" she couldn't even finish the last words before I punched her in the throat

"It was a rhetorical question bitch " I said looking over to Brooke

"How could you do this to me " I said getting up in her face now

"Because , I'm tired of you Georgia , I wanted something new " she said looking into my eyes

"Do you not know how many times I got tired of you and I still held on because I loved you Brooke , but when you get tired of me you just move on , if your so tired then go to sleep " I said pushing her

"I'm sorry okay " she said

"Your lame ass sorry won't do shit for me " I said walking out and getting on the elevator

I walk out the hotel building and look around , seeing that a lot of people were out and about , having them the time of their lives , while I just went through a breakup

I went to the same store that dawn got kidnapped at and got a drink

"Why are you out this late guh " Louis said walking in the isle with me

"Ask Brooke " I said wiping away the tear that came down my eye

"You guys had a argument or sum " she said walking up to me

"Worse " I said showing her my face

"Damn , you looking suicidal " she said grabbing my hand walking out the store

"Where are we going " I said sniffing

"Back to the hotel " she said already heading towards the hotel

"No " I said snatching my hand away

"Georgia were not gonna do this in the middle of the street " she said grabbing my hand again

I gave in and let her take me to the hotel we went up to the hotel and went to her room

"Now tell me " she said

"She said she was tired of me Louis " I said laying down

" Brooke .. she's gonna want you tmrw I promise" she said looking at the tv

"Brooke doesn't know how to control her emotions and she lets them get the best of her , just like what alcohol does to people " she said

"Are you still claustrophobic?" I said laying on her with tears still going down my face

" I mean um yea "she said wrapping my arms around me

"I'm so done with this whole damn thing , I tried to do the right thing but it seem as if everything it going downhill" I said Still wiping my tears

"Damn girl my shirt can only bear so much " she said smiling

" I guess I'll go now , I'm pretty sure you don't want me in here " I said getting up going to the door as Louis ran behind me

"Don't leave , I want you to stay " she said smiling

"You have dimples " I said poking in one of her dimples

"Do you wanna stay in here with me ? I mean you can go if you want but" she said before I walked back in

"I can stay " I said before sitting on her bed

"I really need to spend more time with you guys , I feel as if I have to spend time with them

"Idk why they feel as if you are their property , they didn't spend money on you , you should have a right to do ya own thing if they really love you and didn't wanna fuck ya feel me " she said looking at the ceiling

"You don't agree with your friends" I said looking at her while laying on her

"Nah , because some times they make stupid decisions knowing that one of them is gonna get hurt in the end " she said

"Wish I could tell them that " I said rolling my eyes

"You can , you just can't be afraid of what they're gonna say next " she said

"Why are you so good to talk too " I say playing with her stomach

"Because I sit back and watch and comment when needed" she said smiling

"That has been my moto for 10 years now and it kept me outta shit " she said

"Your to quick to jump in because that's what friends are supposed to do , but sometimes you just gotta lay back and chill and don't get involved because some times it doesn't even require you to say anything , it's like adding gas to the fire " she said touching my hair

"You should do that more often , being yaself is fundamental " she said winking

Why do I feel butterflies ?

"Well I'm going to sleep George, hope you actually took what I said to head so I wouldn't have wasted my breath " she said playing with my hair some more as she dozed off

And i fell asleep too



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