Fucking and ducking

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Georgia's pov
I woke up to Louis's arms around me as she still slept

She looks pretty even when she's sleeping , I look dead when I sleep

I unwrapped her arms around me and got up to freshen up

And I stole some of her clothes too

Since Louis is like 5inches taller than me her clothes were a tiny bit baggy

"How can you wake up so early " she said falling off the bed

"Tbh idk why I wake up so early" I said sitting on her bed

"Do you ever have nightmares " she said playing with her fingers

"I mean sometimes yea " I said

"I had a nightmare that I was falling , and that I reached the end , then I woke up to your hair choking me " she said laughing

"Oh I'm sorry , my hair has a mind of its own " I said taking it out of the right jojo sea hawk ponytail I had it in

"Oh it's fine , I was actually laughing at it" she said getting up

"I wanna show you something " she said putting on her shoes

"Where are we going " I said putting on my shoes...

30 minutes later

"Am I going in the right direction ?" I said because Louis put a blindfold on me

"Can you feel my hand " she said as I touched her and and shook my head yes

"WE ARE HERE " she said as she took the blindfold of me

"What exactly are we looking at ?" I said as she pointed to a old newspaper

"Nicki's dad is on there !" She said screaming and jumping

"Okay ... he was the head doctor in a very known hospital " I said bending down scraping the leaves off the newspaper

"But did you know he was also head of a mafia , that's why her dad took long "business trips " she said bending down with me

"And that newspaper , that newspaper was from 2 years ago before you went to our school , he was a person who worked with cutting up the animals and instead he cut up HUMAN BEINGS and served it to people " she said looking at me

"Then what does Nicki has to play in this ?" I said looking back at her

"She probably a messenger or a the base " she said wiping the dirt of the ground

"The base ? What does that mean ?" I said sitting down

"She's the start , she probably said that she got raped by her das so we can all come here so they could do their master plan " she said

"What's their master plan ?" I said

"I don't know yet , but I'm pretty sure she will start giving out hints that she didn't even know that she was giving out " she said getting up

"Where are we about to go " I said standing up

"We got to make sure that we don't seem scared around Nicki or it will set off alarms okay " she said looking into my eyes

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