Your Kids Names & Their Relationship

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Quick Notes:
>Not all imagines are connected (i'll say when they are)
>Requests are always open

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Rami Malek:
Two girls ; 1 year apart
>Lilianna Grace Malek and Nadia Rose Malek
- his girls are his world
- he does anything to make them smile, even dress up and play pretend with them
- most friday nights consist of disney movie sing alongs on the couch
- he enjoys showing them his old movies, both share a love for Night at the Museum

Gwilym Lee:

Boy-Girl Twins
>Jackson Bryan Lee and Isabella Marie Lee
- he is very sporty and adventurous with Jackson and enjoys watching football with him
-very protective of both kids
-Isabella is very much a daddy's girl
-he is super close with both of them

Ben Hardy:

Boy twins and 1 Girl , two year gap
>Xavier David Hardy, Andrew Jacob Hardy and Gemma Louise Hardy
- he enjoys taking them out on different adventures , mostly the park and the zoo
- he isn't supposed to have a favorite but Gemma is lowkey his favorite
- protects all his children and tries keeping them out of the spotlight

Joseph Mazzello

2 Sons, 1 year apart
>Joshua Raymond Mazzello and Edward Thomas Mazzello
- he likes taking them to the park to just have time with them , just daddy and son time
- when it comes to it he is a softie when it comes to a kid
- often times snuggles them to bed
-keeps them out of public eye but occasionally likes expressing how happy they make him

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