His Favorite Thing about you

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Your eyes. He loves your eyes because the beautiful shade of Y/E/C they are. He loves to look into them and having mini staring contests sometimes. The two of you play bicker over who's eyes are prettiest


Your sense of humor. He loves that no matter what the situation you never fail to make him laugh or smile. When the two of you are together you are always smiling. You bring out the best in eachother


Your Smile. As cheesy as it sounds Joe loves to make you smile. Whenever you smile he smiles and stares at you. He said it was the first thing he noticed about you. He's cheesy and  goof but he is your goof


Your lips. He loves how soft they are and how you occasionally bite your bottom lip them when you are concentrating or nervous. Often times you'll look over when your talking and find him looking at your lips and this ends with him smashing his lips against yours

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