don't say goodbye (r.m)

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*You might cry so get ya tissues*

Goodbye. A word we never want to say to the people we love. It means that this is the end. Well for now.

You never expect the last time you say goodbye to someone will be in your death bed.


You were brought out of your thoughts when you woke up groggily. A nurse stood in the corner of the hospital room you found yourself in. You looked around at my surroundings and saw two figures outside, a tall one that resembled Gwilym and one that resembled Rami.

They were both crying but you couldn't understand why. You looked at your hands, an IV and an arm band in your right as your left lay limp beside you. You felt very weak and couldn't breathe very well. You felt frail. You hesitantly sat up in the bed as the nurse turned around to face you.

"Be Careful." She stated warmly as she came beside you to check some of your monitors.

"What happened to me? Why am I- Why am I here?" You has no idea what happened. The last thing you could remember was driving on the highway as you headed to the restaurant Rami, your boyfriend, told you to meet him at.

"You were in an accident." She stated in a slightly more serious tone than the one she had used before.

"Someone hit you and you hit the railing of the highway, almost rolled over. You were the most critical case so we started treating you first. Ms. Y/L/N, there was some serious damage done to you and the car. You had internal bleeding due to the impact of the large truck hitting your side and crushing you inside the car, broken ribs, and some serious damage to other parts of your body. Unfortunately, we couldn't stop the bleeding or find a way to fix the entirety of your injuries."

"So what exactly happens now?" You ask, your heart sinking down to your stomach. Tears come to your eyes, partly because the news you were getting a hd partly because the pain in your abdomen had just hit you.

"Well, the doctors say you have anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. I know this is so sudden, but it is time to say your  goodbyes." She sighed softly as she left you there to take in everything.

You were only alone for a few minutes before the door to your room opened. Lucy, Ben, Joe, and Gwilym all walked into your room with their heads hung low. Ben and Joe stood at the edge of the bed, Gwilym stood beside your left side, and Lucy sat on the right edge of the bed and took your hand into hers.

"Where's Rami?" You asked curiously, your eyebrows slightly furrowing.

"He's just not ready to say goodbye yet is all." Lucy said softly. "Neither are we." She added as he voice softly cracked. This caused you to gently squeeze her hand.

"Then don't. It'll be ok. I will be ok."You sent a reassuring smile to everyone in the room. "I love y'all."

"We love you too, ya dork." Joe said as he laughed softly. After 4 emotional goodbyes and 4 cheek kisses they left, but you stopped Joe before he left.



"Can you send him in?" You asked in a soft tone and he nodded. With that he was gone, it was the last time you'd see that face. You shed a few tears, but quickly wiped them away as the door opened once more.

It was Rami. He looked awful. He walked in and smiled weakly as he saw you. He sat beside you where Lucy had once been, and he took your hand in his. He had a suit on but it was very worn. The vest was open and the tie he had on was loosely hung around his neck.

"Well hello handsome. You are so gussied up, lucky me." You joked and he smiled. Oh how you would miss that smile. His sniffled softly before speaking.

"Well, I did have a special night planned with the love of my life. God, it's my fault you were on that highway in the first place," He stated as his tears began to flow again.

"Hey, this is not your fault." You responded as you slightly squeezed his hand. "Let's focus on good things. What did you have planned?" You asked, to get his mind off the accident. He shakily pulled a box out of his pocket.

"Well, I was going to ask you to marry me." He said as he opened the box carefully.

"I would've said yes." You said softly and he smiled warmly. "Ask. Let's have this moment."

"Okay," He said softly. "I love you so much goober. Will you marry me?" You nodded and he slipped the ring on your finger. He kissed you softly.

"I was really excited to spend the rest of my life with you."  He said as he looked at you.

"Well I am so lucky," You retorted back.

"And why is that?" He asked curiously as he slightly tilted his head.

"Because I get to spend the rest of mine with you."  He smiled as another tear fell down his cheek. You gently raised your hand to wipe it and kept your hand on his cheek. "I love you Rami Said Malek."

"I love you too Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. Goodb-" He started but you stopped him.

"No, don't say goodbye. Just kiss me again." He chuckled and gently placed his lips on yours.

And in that moment, memories of us played in fast forward through your head. In seconds you were gone and Rami's life was never the same.

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