What does your family think about him?

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They absolutely adore him!! They think he is so good for you and truly love seeing you so happy. They know you've been hurt in the past and seeing how well he treats you makes them ecstatic

They have loved him since the moment they met him. They think he is an absolute gentleman and approved as soon as he came through the door. Your younger relatives enjoy listening to his stories or getting piggy back rides. But no matter how much they love him, no one can love him as much as you do.

Your parents love him. He is very sociable with your family and shows so much respect towards them. Your family enjoys how kind he is to everyone and how genuine his heart is. He is always open to meeting your relatives and opening his heart to those you love.

Ben and your father get along so well. Whenever you are at your parents' house with Ben him and your dad are always chatting up a storm. He is very respectful to your parents and your mom always gushes over how good he is for you.

A/N :
Sorry it's so short..i'm trying to update fast but unfortunately I was on the bus and i've already had shoulder issues and he slammed his brakes and my shoulder slammed into the seat. I have to wear a sling now on my dominant hand so it's painful to write or really do anything

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