Jealous (r.m.)

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You smiled as you held your boyfriend's hand, his name was Eddie and you two had been going out for a while and he was finally going to meet your friends. There was just one issue. Rami was going to be there. You hadn't seen Rami since the night you dumped him. You two had a huge fight over scandals and rumors of cheating. It was stupid now that you looked back on it.

When you got to Gwilym's door you knocked and he embraced you in a huge hug. You introduced the two men and the three of you proceeded inside. Gwilym was hosting a dinner and invited You,Eddie,Ben, Lucy, Joseph, and of course Rami.

When you and Eddie walked in the tension grew. He left for a moment to go to the bathroom so you walked over to where Ben and Rami were standing. You hugged both of them. You and Rami held the hug a little longer, you had to admit you missed the feeling of his arms around you. After a few moments Ben walked away to talk to Eddie , leaving you and Rami alone.

"So, uhm, how are you?" He said to break the awkward silence that fell over the two of you.

"I'm good. Me and Eddie have been together for about a month." At the mention of Eddie's name his face fell.

"Where did I go wrong?" He said abruptly and I sighed softly.

"Rami I-.."

"Dinner!!" Gwilym called and you all went to sit down, you were stuck in the middle of Eddie and Rami. Yikes.

In the middle of dinner Eddie had an emergency call and needed to leave, Rami volunteered to drive you home and the three boys were all for it.

So now you stand on your front porch in the cold. With Rami right in front of you, begging you to take him back.

"Tell me you don't love me and I will leave right now." He pleaded. You hated to admit it but you did love him. You spent 3 years with him and that doesn't just disappear.

"If you love me Rami, you'll leave right now." He sighed and began to walk away. You sighed but the sound was stopped when Rami turned around and slammed his lips into yours. After a few moments of lip locking you both backed away.


"I love you Y/N. And I know I messed up but please I beg you. You were right I did sleep with Lucy then but this is now and I'm standing here telling you I am madly in love with you. So Please say something."

You sighed.

"I love you Rami..." You whispered and he kissed you softly.

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