Four years earlier

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I met Ryker senior year of high school.

He was the new kid in town. And I was drawn to him.

He had this constant smile, and no matter what he was talking about there was this light behind his eyes and a smile on his face.

Our first words to each other were pretty simple. He needed directions to his class, and I just so happened to be going to the same one. He sat next to me, and we stole side glances at one another while our biology teacher went on and on about something neither of us cared to know.

I invited him to eat lunch with me. I introduced him to all my friends, and everyone instantly liked him.

There wasn't anyone that didn't like Ryker.

And soon there wasn't a girl that couldn't keep her eyes off of him.

We became great friends, best friends. Some days I traded my usual routine to hang out with Ryker.

A few months into the school year he started dating one of the cheerleaders, and I found a boyfriend of my own.

We still hung around each other, but things were different. We were both in relationships, and even if we wanted to admit that maybe there was chemistry between us, we didn't.

My parents expected a lot out of me, and Ryker didn't fit their idea of a good boyfriend. Ryker's parents weren't much better. He easily won over the entire school, but when it came to the adults, they didn't understand him the way that any of us did.

And then everything changed.  That night on Halloween, I broke up with my boyfriend at a party and Ryker came to pick me up so I could go home and deal with my break up alone.

I remember the accident. Everything slowed down just like in the movies.

And our bodies danced forward like puppets on strings. I remember everything all the way up until my head hit the dashboard, then everything went black.

Ryker's eyes, I remember them. His brown eyes were giving me one last look before everything went away. I knew he felt awful that he couldn't protect me.

And when I came to I was laying underneath the stars and all I could hear was the horn blaring through the night. I was so cold, and I couldn't move.

Someone said everything was going to be alright, and I closed my eyes and drifted away.

Get to me (8th sin series, book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora