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I clap my hands when I see Ryker's face in the airport.

He saunters over, his eyes showing signs of jet lag but when he gets to me, he pushes all that away and lifts me up. "God, you smell good."

I kiss him over and over on the cheek before he sets me back down. I don't care who's looking. I'm pretty sure they are jealous.

"You don't know how amazing it is to see a girl after that last tour." He studies the luggage going by and finally grabs a big black suitcase.

"Oh." I link my fingers with his. "So it doesn't matter what girl. Just the fact that you see one is good enough for you?" I smirk.

"You'll do just fine." He follows me through the airport tugging down his hat so nobody notices him. We both know the moment someone sees him we are never going to get back to Sophie's.

"Monty didn't come with you this time?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Monty met someone back in Orlando."

I frown, and he shakes his head. "Don't do that. Sophie knew what she was getting herself into."

"Fine. But still seems kind of sleazy."

Ryker raises my hand, studying my nails. "Nice nails."

"Thank you."

Someone behind us yells his name and the crowd starts calling out for his autograph.

He throws an arm around me. "Not today. Sorry guys."

I can't believe the glares coming my way. "Just sign them."

"Are you sure?" He grabs a pen from the group of people.

"Yes, I'm sure." I watch one person after another push hats, arms, shirts and just about anything else his way. Camera flash after camera flash assaults my eyesight. After about twenty minutes, he refuses to touch anything else and pulls me through the crowd.


"Oh, that was nothing," he informs me. "Where did you park?"

I point. "Way down there."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" He raises an eyebrow, cracking a smile. "Run."

At first I think he is kidding, but he isn't. I take off after him, praying I am not taken out by a car backing up.

"This isn't funny," I say breathless. "I have bad ankles. They could give out any second."

"I'll make sure to roll you out of the way, so you're not run over by a car." He keeps going.

"Are you saying I am fat?" A slight cramp starts up my thigh, but I push through, determined not to give up.

"No, I'm saying I want to get out of here before they swarm us again."

We finally make it to my car. My chest burns, and I try and catch my breath. Ryker drops his suitcase at the back of my car, and I pop the trunk. He tosses it in and comes around to my side. "I'll drive."

"Fine. After that run I think I need a nap," I say.

He slaps me on the ass and climbs in, and I walk around to the other side of the car wishing I had an inhaler.


Ryker has an event at a club.

And being a part of his entourage gets Sophie and me free drinks and special privileges. It's kind of nice.

"To Ryker," Sophie announces, lifting her champagne. "For being so wickedly popular."

Ryker smirks and throws back another shot. He's wasted, and I'm tipsy. Sophie can handle her liquor, so she's just even more colorful than normal.

Ryker plops down next to us. "You're welcome, Soph. I'm glad you're enjoying all the love."

Sophie lets him kiss her hand. "I don't know how you do it. Always in the spotlight. Someone always wants a piece of you."

"It becomes a way of life after a while."

I nod, looking around at everyone. Nobody seems to be enjoying themselves; they're just sipping drinks and waiting to see if Ryker will come and strike up a conversation with them or take a photograph.

"I think it's adorable you and Savy found one another again," Sophie tells him probably for the fifth time tonight.

Ryker squeezes my leg. "Like old times."

I plaster on a smile. "Right."

He makes a face. "What does that mean?"

"It means right." I pull away a bit confused. "Why?"

"Are you having a good time? Or is this growing old already?"

I sigh, but it doesn't end, he continues to put me on the spot. "I'm fine. I think you're overly sensitive."

"I'm being myself. You're the one that looks like you're not having a good time." He scoffs and shakes his head.

Sophie touches his arm. "Now, now you two. We're not in high school anymore. I feel like I've gone back in time."

"Some things don't change." Ryker tugs down his hat. I yank it off him and throw it.

"Stop treating me like that." I stand up. He stands up, too, and plants a kiss on my cheek. "You know I love you, Sav."

I push him away. "You're being annoying right now. I thought you came to have fun, not berate me for trying to adjust to this lifestyle."

"I thought by now you would have learned how to work out your feelings instead of ignoring them and lashing out." He waves at a group of people.

"I am not lashing out." I refuse to look at him. "I'm leaving if you say one more thing."

"I want to fuck you in the bathroom." He teases, grabbing my hand. "Or the car."

I close my eyes refusing to budge.

"One day you are going to understand the way that I feel about you." He is obviously drunk.

"Stop. I don't like emotional drunks. You cannot talk about feelings when you have had more than one shot. It's not okay." I pull away and cross my arms.

"I fucking love you, Sav." He touches my arm. "More than you realize."

"Ryker stop." I grab his arm when he starts through the crowd. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Why would you care? You don't do feelings." He goes down the stairs of the VIP section.

"Come on," I tell him, leading him through the club and down the hallway.

"What are you doing?" He leans against the wall. "I'm drunk."

"I know."

He pins me to the wall, his hips holding me in place. "You know just what to do to piss me off."

My heart skips a beat when I look into his eyes. "Cameras." I remind him.

He grabs me by the chin. "I don't care about cameras."

I pull him to me. "Neither do I." His hands are in my hair. I accept his tongue, tasting the beer and shots he just downed. He guides my mouth against his, sucking on my lower lip. I don't care who is watching him feel me up right there in the hallway. I can't believe I was upset with him just a few minutes ago.

Get to me (8th sin series, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now