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My phone rings.

I hit answer and back out of my parking spot.

"I see someone's running late this morning," Jackson sighs. I don't know if it is a friendly sigh or an I-am-really-annoyed-with-you sigh.

"I am so sorry." I check my mirror and pull onto the road. "I slept through my alarm." I don't mention my overnight guest.

"Well, the meeting is over, but I have some property I'm about to look at."

I frown. "I am so sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I'm late for work. Why are you not mad?"

"I am not mad because I understand these things can happen sometimes, and I believe that you're sorry."

I go ten over the speed limit easily. "Are we still meeting at the shelter?"

"If you want to ride with me, yes."

"I do." I'm willing to do anything to make up for being late on my first day of work.

"Alright. Well, I just finished restocking supplies, and I am about to head out. I'll wait for you."


Five minutes later I pull into the shelter's parking lot. I check my hair in the rear-view mirror and adjust the collar of my dress shirt. I am going for professional, but because of the morning rush to get out the door, I'm not quite pulling that look off at the moment. Looking in the mirror, I apply a dark red lipstick, get out of my car, and head into the shelter.

The dining room is full. Just like every other time I am anywhere near Lee he pops up out of his seat and comes over to me.

"There she is."

I search for Jackson, keeping a smile on my face. "Yes, here I am."

He takes my hand. "Did you talk to Jackson about my room?"

"Yes, I did." I lie. "And there is one with your name on it."

"That's my girl." He kisses my hand. "You've always made me so proud, Sara Rose."

I pretend he didn't just call me someone else's name. "I'm glad."

"Even when you were struggling. I still was proud of you."

I tilt my head. "Lee, who is Sarah Rose? You know that I am not her."

"You have to do your homework, Sarah Rose." It's like he doesn't even hear me.

I pull away from his grip. "Is Sarah Rose your daughter?"

He nods, his blue eyes clouding with sadness.

"What happened to her?"

Jackson comes up behind me. He places a hand on my shoulder. "Good morning."

"Morning," I say a little sad the conversation ended with Lee.

"Lee, your food is going to get cold if you keep chatting with Savy."

"I can't get enough of those eyes. Those are the same eyes as my Sarah Rose."

He grins at me and walks back to his spot at the table.

"What happened to his daughter?" I ask Jackson.

"I'm not sure. It's hard to say with Lee. Every year on the same day he lets the entire place know when she died and how long it has been."

I cross my arms. "How long has it been?"

"Nineteen years."


Get to me (8th sin series, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now