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I can hear talking coming from the other room, so I get up.

I open my door and head down the hallway trying to figure out what Sophie is so amused by.

"And, she is awake," Jackson says.

I immediately look down at my underwear and tank top. He isn't who I imagined would be there.

"You have got to be kidding me." I mess with my hair.

"I brought you breakfast."

Sophie grins. "He brought you breakfast." She wags her eyebrows from behind Jackson.

Jackson smiles, and I'm immediately reminded how handsome he is; how chiseled and perfect his face is. And how we had eagerly kissed each other like hungry animals the other day. And here I am in my pajamas looking like crap.

I rake a hand through my hair and sigh. "Thank you."

Jackson walks over to the island in Sophie's kitchen. He lifts a coffee. "And coffee. I brought you some of that, too."

Sophie nods. "I am totally impressed right now."

"You would be." I accept the coffee and the kiss he puts on my cheek. "I see you two met each other."

"Yes, we did." Sophie collects her things. "And I wish I could stay and watch this game play out but I have to be to work."

Jackson watches Sophie quickly shove all her things into her purse.

"Goodbye, Sophie."

When the door shuts, I look at him. "Did you tell her what's going on?"

"She has a way of getting anything she wants out of people." He sits down.

"She does." I look in the bag. "You brought doughnuts."

"The best ones in town," he informs me.

I take one from the box and bite into it, chewing thoughtfully. I feel conflicted; one part of me thinks it's sweet that Jackson went through the trouble of bringing me breakfast. The other part of me thinks it's just a game he's playing in an effort to win the challenge.


I shrug, licking frosting and sprinkles from my finger. "I don't want to be a game."

"You're not a game."

"I just want to be Savy. Not something you're trying to prove," I tell him.

He takes a doughnut. "That's all you are. You're just Savy."

I raise an eyebrow, confident I got my point across.

"I came here to ask you something."


"I want you to be my plus one to an event." He leans forward. "What do you think?"

"Why me?"

"Because you're a hell of a lot of fun. And I'm tired of the boring girls I have to put up with." He smirks.

"What's the event?"

"A celebration." He nods. "My brother is getting married."

"A wedding?"

"An engagement party. We Luckmans like to do everything big." He stands, and I watch him walk over to the couch. He lifts a garment bag from behind the couch. "And I want you to wear this."

I scratch my head. "You didn't have to buy me a dress. I have dresses."

"I thought it was beautiful. And with all you are putting up with working for me, I thought you deserved it." He unzips the bag.

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