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His entire house is dark, and it's soothing.

I take off my jacket and throw it over a chair in his kitchen.

"You want something to eat or drink?" He looks at me.

"No." I shake my head. "I really just want to lay down."

Jackson nods. "Well, let's go."

I love his bed. It's a giant king size with an overstuffed comforter that smells like freshly washed linen and feels amazing against my skin. I sit on the edge and remove my shoes and then my socks.

Jackson comes into the room and sets his keys and wallet on his dresser. "Do you want a t-shirt or something to wear?"

I nod.

He takes one from his drawer and hands it over. "Thanks."

"No problem."

I undo my shirt and unzip my jeans and, like the gentleman he is, he looks away to give me a bit of privacy.

"You are one of a kind," I tell him. "You know that, right?"

He gives a small smile. "So you keep saying."

I climb onto the bed after slipping the shirt on. "You could have disappointed me like Ryker did, but you didn't."

He climbs into bed and settles into his pillows. He grabs the remote from his nightstand and turns on the television. And we stare at the news not saying anything for a moment. And finally he looks at me. "What did he do?"

It's not weird talking about Ryker with Jackson. Like I said, we have an understanding, all of us.

The light from the television flickers against his face.

"It's more what he didn't do."

"Oh," is all he says.

"Ryker said he saw my dad four years ago doing something strange. And he tried to tell me back then. But the accident happened so he couldn't. But now that we've been hanging out he had more than enough chances to tell me and he didn't. And this might have changed something."

Jackson shrugs. "I honestly don't see it changing anything, Savy. Unless Ryker knew the truth, there's nothing he could have said or done to make this any better."

He leans back, and I drop my head against his chest. He wraps an arm around me protectively. "I think he meant well."

"You don't even know him," I argue. "After all these years he had a chance to say something and he never did."

I settle into his chest. "I just want some answers. I want to know that there's a good reason for it and that I am not a mistake."

Jackson nods in agreement. "I think anyone would want that... considering."

His fingers close around mine, and he squeezes.

"Thank you for being here," I tell him.

I kiss him on the cheek.


I'm at the shelter sorting through boxes of canned goods and supplies. I'm doing all I can to stay focused and not come undone. Another day slips by, and I'm no closer to knowing the truth. But I also know that I might see Lee today, and that might offer answers. But I'm not sure exactly how I will get them. If Lee doesn't know about me, trying to explain who I think I am will only devastate this man more than he already is.

I put the last of the green beans on the shelf and spin around. There is still a giant stack of boxes to get through before the day is over. And I haven't seen Jackson at all.

I work at the shelter one day a week if I'm needed. And today is the day I'm needed.

So I dive back into the boxes working through them one by one until I finally finish.

I break down the cardboard and make two trips to the big dumpster behind the shelter.

I'm free to go, but I want to see if I can find Lee.

I go out into the dining hall and look around, but I don't see him. He's not around; usually he's sitting enjoying a bowl of soup or eating some kind of sweets. But today he's not here.

I decide to check one more place before I go.

I go down the hall, searching for the room that Lee always wants but never uses. And by some miracle he is actually there laying in the bed. I knock on the door, and when he doesn't wake up, I carefully step inside. It's a simple room with a bed, a dresser, and a small table for reading or writing.

"Lee," I whisper. He startles and sits up. His hat next to him. His hair is thinning, and there is a small scar on his forehead that I never noticed before.

"What a way to wake up," he says, giving me a big grin.

"I came to talk to you." I take a seat at the table and watch him with his hat. He finally gets it back on his head and looks at me.

"What would you like to talk about?"

I swallow. "About your daughter. I would like to know about her."

He studies the floor. "Sara Rose was a good girl."

"What was she like?"

"She was wonderful. Always smiling. Always happy no matter what." He looks at me, and I see life in his eyes again. "I was always proud of her."

"I bet you were." I sigh. "What happened to her?"

He looks away. "She got involved with the wrong people and made mistakes. But that didn't matter to me; she was still my daughter."

"What kind of mistakes?"

He smiles. "Drugs. Crime. You name it; she did it."

"Lee, do you have any other kids?" Maybe he has more family.

"Just my Sara Rose." And a darkness sweeps over him. He tugs his hat off. "Now, I'm tired. I need to go to sleep."

I stand up. "Okay. Thanks for talking with me."

"You be good."

"I will."

When I'm in the hallway, I take out my phone and dial Jackson.

"Hey," I say. "Is there any way you can find out information about Sara Rose and Lee for me?"

I'm pretty sure Jackson can find out whatever he wants.

"No problem. I'll see what I can do."

And just like that I am one step closer to uncovering this secret. But first there's one person I want to see.

Get to me (8th sin series, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now