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We could have had sex, and we didn't.

One part of me is happy that Ryker didn't push for sex at that moment. The other part of me wishes he would have gone for it.

I roll over on the guest bed in Sophie's apartment and check my account balance from my phone. I still have money and I am thankful. I guess my dad isn't as hardcore as he wants me to think he is.

Sophie enters the room in a t-shirt and crawls into bed with me. "Good morning."

"Morning, Sophie." She crosses her legs, sitting Indian style and works on the bowl of cereal in her hands.

"I had an amazing night with Monty." She tilts her head. "He is a pretty interesting man. Very successful and he is single."

I nod. "I'm happy for you."

"I also saw Ryker at the end of the night." She licks her lips, chewing thoughtfully. "I still believe the connection is there between you two. Ryker said so himself."

"He did not," I say. I want to hear every juicy detail.

"Ryker told me to remind you of your date today." She eyes me, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "He wants you."

"Yeah well, he can have me," I admit.

Sophie sets her bowl on the nightstand and drops down on the bed. "You two would be very cute together."

"Thanks, but I don't think it will be anything more than a fling before he moves on to the next state." And I don't think that bothers me. Any connection with Ryker is better than none at all, so if we meet up occasionally and make up for lost time, that's fine by me. We're two consenting adults, capable of making our own decisions with no strings attached.

"That's a good way to look at it." She studies a lock of her hair. "I sleep with men all the time and I am completely fine."

"That's yet to be determined," I smirk. "We're not kids anymore. We're adults with adult problems. I can handle whatever it is that happens tonight."

"Even if he wants to fuck you?" Sophie raises an eyebrow, looking at me. "And even if he leaves for a very long time?"

"Yes." I sigh. "It's not like I don't have a life here. I'm starting a new job tomorrow, headed down a new path in life. I have this under control."

I take a little over an hour to get ready. I do my hair, paint my nails, and make sure my legs are shaved before I pick the perfect outfit for dinner with Ryker. I wear my favorite bracelet and apply lip gloss. When I'm done getting ready for Ryker I send him a text letting him know that I'm ready for our night out.

I sit on the bar stool in Sophie's kitchen scribbling on one of her notebooks and just when I think I am about to lose my mind having to wait for Ryker to show up the doorbell rings. I look at Sophie; she jumps up and throws the door open.

"Ryker, so very nice to see you." She throws her arms around him giving him a hug and asks him to come inside.

"Nice place, Sophie." He takes in Sophie's high-end apartment.

"So, where are the two of you going tonight for dinner?" Sophie asks settling into her couch.

Ryker looks at me. "Wherever she wants to go."

This makes me smile. He's making me feel very important. Just like old times.

"Well, she likes to eat just about anything. So I can't see you ruining this." Sophie smirks.

Get to me (8th sin series, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now