And so it is

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I double check my bank account while sitting in my car in front of the sporting goods store—just to make sure my father hasn't sucked my account dry as some sort of punishment. I know I'm overreacting, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were just what he did.

I unbuckle my seatbelt once I find a parking spot miles away from the place. The parking lot is completely filled. I wonder how I even find a spot at all as I get closer. It all makes sense when I spot the big sign posted outside the doors of the sporting goods store.

A guy on a skateboard rolls toward me dodging a woman backing out of her parking spot and stops right before he runs over my feet. "Big event today at Palmer's sporting goods."

I grab the flyer before the wind steals it away and read the big black letters—PROFESSIONAL SKATEBOARDERS. Seems they are here to sign autographs and to take pictures before some big show in town.

I walk through the doors and am immediately given the stink eye.

"I'm not here for autographs. I just want to buy a skateboard." I gladly slip through the long line searching for skateboards and accessories. My nephew has been dying to get his hands on a skateboard, and I'm just the one to see that he gets one. I like to see him happy.

I finally find the boards and stare at the big wall of different designs and colors, confused and not sure which one would make my nephew the happiest.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

I turn around to the clerk. "My nephew is turning seven and he is obsessed with skateboarding. Which one would make him think I am the best aunt in the world?"

He studies the wall and quickly pulls one down. "This should work; it's from a new company. As a matter of fact, we have two professional skateboarders here that are sponsored by them."

"It's colorful." He hands it over, and I study the three-eyed monster on it. "Is this going to make me look like the best aunt ever? I hold it next to my face and smile.

He smirks and nods his head. "Pretty close. But if you want to score some really big points," he looks toward the huge line, "go get that board autographed. Your nephew will love you forever. I promise."

I smile and look toward the line. "It's worth a shot, I suppose." I thank him and take my spot in line, texting Sophie to let her know I will probably be late.

It takes a while for the line to move to the front. It seems everyone in town is dying for a peek of the skateboarders. I don't know much about the sport, but I hold out hope the line will pick up speed so I can get the autographs and head over to Sophie's place for the night.

A few minutes later, I'm next in line. Camera phones snap and click, and I blindly move forward. I pocket my phone and drop the skateboard down on the table.

"Who should I sign this for?" The first skateboarder asks me.

I shove some hair behind my ear and purse my lips. "Finn. With two n's."

He quickly scribbles his signature and passes it to the other guy, then motions for the next person in line behind me.

I move over watching the excitement ensue. I guess skateboarding is an even bigger sport than I ever imagined.

Someone shoves me out of the way to get past the table.

"I can't believe I am looking at Ryker Sosa. Please take a picture with me!" Some crazy girl screams, having a complete meltdown right there in front of God and everybody. I don't even have my skateboard back.

He hands the skateboard to me once he shakes the screaming girl from his arms. I can't believe it. I step backward instead of forward.

"This is yours, right?"

With trembling fingers, I extend my hand. But I don't react, I don't do anything. The skateboard hits the ground and rolls away from me. He goes around the table picking it up and walks it over to me.

"Everything alright?"

"Ryker?" I would never forget the name or the face. Nothing about him has changed, except that he's even more attractive than he was at seventeen. Four years has done wonders for him.

"That's me." He touches my arm. "Do you want to take a picture?"

It's been four years since I last saw him; I thought I would never see him again. I didn't even know he was alive for the first month after the car crash, and I didn't know what happened to him after that.

We were once good friends. How could he not know who I am? "It's me." I touch my chest. "Savy Arnold."

He raises an eyebrow. "You'll have to refresh my memory." He shakes his head.

The line is starting to grow impatient. His eyes dart from me back to the crowd. "I meet a lot of fans."

I sigh. "I am not a fan. What's wrong with you?"

I take the skateboard and move out of the way.

"Sosa, let's get moving," someone orders, "you're holding up the line."

He throws up a hand. "One picture and I'm done." He puts an arm around me and turns me to the waiting cameraman.

I force a smile, blinded by the flash. "You don't know who I am?"

"I have no idea." He removes his arm and tilts his head. "I've had my share of head trauma; I barely know my address most days." He smirks that same smirk I had seen so many times before. "Well, that's probably a little dramatic but I was in a few accidents."

I shake my head. "I know. I was there for one of them."

Before I can escape and run to my car in embarrassment, he wraps his arms around me and lifts me up. "Of course I know who you are."

I push against his chest staring him down. "You are an asshole. I thought you had some horrific brain trauma."

He sets me on my feet. "How the hell have you been, Savy?"

"I've been alright. What about you?" Judging by the throngs of girls and guys I am pretty sure he isn't hurting for an ego boost.

"Life's been pretty decent." He looks over his shoulder. "My buddy will kill me if I don't get back to work. Write down your number." He gives me a marker and his arm.

"I can't believe after all these years it's you." I take hold of his arm and jot down my number, capping the marker and giving it back to him.

He touches my shoulder stopping me from leaving. "You're still beautiful, by the way."

I stroke my neck smiling just like I did when we were kids.

"We have a lot of catching up to do."

Get to me (8th sin series, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now