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"So, what did you think?" I ask Ryker once we're out of my parents' house and walking down the sidewalk to my car.

"I think your mother likes me."

I grab his arm.

"So does my dad," I assure him.

"I couldn't tell. He barely said two words to me."

"He barely says two words to anyone." I climb in on my side and wait for him to get in on his side. He still has that worried look on his face. "I'm serious, and I think they have a different view on things now."

My phone plinks. And Ryker sighs. "Is that your boss again?"

I shrug. "I'll check later." I take his hand and squeeze. "Thank you for tonight."

He strokes my hair. "No problem, beautiful."

I pull out of the driveway. The dinner wasn't by any means perfect. And Ryker's right, my father said barely two words to him. But he put up with him, and that said a lot. He's a hard ass, and if anyone can make it through dinner, then chances are they may have a little bit of my Dad's respect.

"You know I have to leave tomorrow." He plays with my hand as I drive, linking our fingers together and rubbing my knuckles with his thumb. "And I don't want you worrying about what you're doing here while I'm gone."

I look at him. "I don't know what that means."

"I mean, if you want to bang your boss, I'm not going to be mad."

"I wasn't worried about you being mad." I refuse to let him feel he has a right to tell me what I can or can't do. But I also don't want to admit that I'm even considering being with Jackson.

"I don't date girls because I can't be there like I need to."

"Do you date boys?" I smirk, throwing on my blinker.

"Shut up." He sighs. "I don't date anyone because it wouldn't be fair to them when I'm hardly ever around."

"Seems insensitive for you to assume that's what every girl would feel."

"Sav, don't act like you don't know what I mean."

"Ryker, I do know what you mean. You're trying to tell me that it wouldn't bother you if I were to sleep with my boss. And I am telling you that I don't need an okay to do anything that I want to do because you are not my boyfriend. But I also expect you to not interfere with what I think is right."

"Sav, I don't want you to hold back."

Most girls would be upset with that, but if Ryker is willing to let me explore, I'm okay with that. "And I won't."

"As long as you're still willing to hang out when I come into town."

"Of course." I squeeze his hand. "Always. I just got you back. I wouldn't leave you now."

He grins. "Make sure you let your boss know that. Because I have a feeling that soon he won't want to let you go."


Sophie taps the counter where I'm sitting with a bowl of soup.

"I'm pretty sure that soup is cold by now." She tilts her head looking me over. "Are you okay?"

I don't know where to start. "Do you think it's possible to be involved with two men at the same time without feelings getting hurt?"

Sophie scratches at her brow. "Men are wired to think with their dicks."

"So you think it is?"

"I think anything is possible. As long as they're getting what they want when they want it, all is well." She points a finger at me. "The first time they're deprived of what they so desperately want, all will go to shit."

Get to me (8th sin series, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now