Slap in the face

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Ryker agrees to come. I'm nervous to have the two men, I care the most about in my life, together in the same room. Especially since Ryker and I ended on bad terms the last time I saw him.

He comes in the diner, red hat on his head, and a black hoodie to hide him from the world.

I wave him over, and he takes a seat across from us. He rubs at his nose and sighs. "So, what's going on?"

I sit forward. "Jackson did some digging and found out some more information."

"You mean about how your parents have lied to you your entire life." He purses his lips. "That was sweet of him. You could have asked me to help."

I bite my tongue before I yell at him.

Jackson cuts in. "That's why you're here. I wanted you to look over this picture and tell me if you think this is the guy you saw that day with her father."

Before Ryker takes his phone, he extends a hand toward Jackson. "Since Savy hasn't bothered to introduce the two of us, I'm Ryker. I'm the guy she's with when she's not with you."

"Do you recognize him?" I ask. There's more I want to say, but I hold back.

Ryker takes the phone and looks at the picture. "Yeah. He's a bit older than I remember, but looks like the same dude." He hands the phone back.

I take a look at the picture. It's Lee. The missing pieces are beginning to fall into place.

"That helps us out a lot. Thank you." Jackson slips his phone into his pants pocket.

I can't hold it in any longer. "And you can lose the attitude."

Ryker scoffs. "I'm sorry. I wasn't aware I was the one who had one. You were the one pissed at me for your parents screwing you over."

"I  was going to apologize," I sigh. "But now that you're an even bigger jerk, I don't think I want to anymore."

"I'm a jerk?" He gets up. "I guess it doesn't matter because you have Jackson to come to the rescue right?"

I slide out of the booth. "At least someone is."

"I would have if you'd have asked me to. I'm pissed you didn't even consider it." He shakes his head.

Jackson stands up. "We're in the middle of the diner. Let's take this outside."

Ryker smirks. "No, I've said all I need to say. You can take it from here."

I watch him walk away. My feelings are hurt.

Jackson clears his throat. "I'll go take care of the check."

I nod and watch him head to the register while I gather my things. I go outside to clear my mind. Ryker is still there, and he spots me right away.

"I didn't want to see you ever again," he informs me. He steps closer, keys in hand.

"Are you really this big of a jerk?" If hurting my feelings is his plan, he's doing a good job of it.

"My life is amazing. I didn't have to worry about anything or anyone. And then I come back to this shithole of a town and there you are." He raises his chin. "And now I'm coming back here every chance I get because of you, and you don't even care."

"I  did care." I still do. "Why am I not allowed to be hurt?" I don't get why he can't just give me that much. I've just received some pretty heavy information, and instead of understanding, he wants to cut me even deeper.

Get to me (8th sin series, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now