1 - Depart with Sleep

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You think that just because 

you lack the proper, soft 

kinds of passions which bring 

people together, that

you can say the shit you 

always do to tear me 

apart? I'm so bitter, 

for your callous words sink 

into me like poison. 

I wish for nothing more 

than to strike your face with

the hard ends of my hand-

Over and over again, 

'til you're bleeding out on 

the cheap, sharp, old carpet. 

For now it is I, yes,

who toils in the dark- 

The worst of fantasies, 

Where I shout lethal words 

your way, so that I may 

see you brought so damn low- 

The kinds of damages 

I could do to a weak, 

pathetic, directionless, 

and spitefully ruthless 

villain like yourself, bitch. 

I'd love to suggest that 

you do horrors to yourself,

and how that'd make the 

world a better, nicer

more serene sort of place.

I want to see you fall.

Or, shall I say nothing? 

In doing so, I shall 

depart with sleep and peace. 

With grace I'll leave, and you'll 

not be marked by my 

heinous venom. How fine,

that I should be against 

your stupid, evil kind. 

With such a fervor to 

my deep, unmatched rage,

the only person with 

a problem in this old 

wasteland, is me, for now. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now