32 - Gardens Can Burn

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The mess that you've made,

you've invited me to stay 

in it, especially 

with my own kinds of flaws,

and now I can't even breathe in the bullshit

without the urge to claw

at all of this. 

The walls look back 

and, eventually, 

you'll come to hate me,

because of a build-up of all

the small things I did 

where I never really 'showed up'

in our interactions.

I'm sorry I'm broken,

I'm sorry I'm stupid,

I'm sorry I don't 

share the same kind of humor you do

even though we both know

there's a compromise somewhere

in the meadow 

of broken dreams

that you and me 

have seeded the seeds 

inside of. 

Gardens can burn. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ